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Loganite2dot0 OP t1_j92qca4 wrote

Almost as if the intro caveat worked as specified and was intended...


Hulk_Runs t1_j931v7o wrote

Which part?


Loganite2dot0 OP t1_j93wpbw wrote

The part where I said I’m only asking if someone has something jump to mind quickly and only for a building name. I wrote a summary to start so you can read it fast and move on without getting into the detail. Or you could even just ignore it from the title if you don’t have interest in engaging in a thread asking for advice about apartments.


Hulk_Runs t1_j942dof wrote

Ha. It doesn’t say that at all. You asked for advice based on parameters that requires one to read the entire post in order to know what you’re looking for.

That’s fine, others can do that. But you should know most people found this obnoxious. I’m sure you’re otherwise a fine person despite your propensity for paralysis by analysis and long winded posts.