Submitted by t3_119xzqr in jerseycity

Roughly 8:15 this morning. I screamed my head off. Man made no attempt to stop as I was already in the middle of the crosswalk. What the hell can we possibly do about these people? It’s getting to the point where about once a week someone nearly drives over my toes because they think the stop signs are just suggestions. Not only am I very afraid for my own safety, but there are many families with small children and schools nearby. I’m sick of feeling helpless and having others put my life at risk.



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t1_j9ongfz wrote

I’m afraid every day as a pedestrian in this city. The drivers are incredibly selfish and entitled and seem to take red lights and stop signs as suggestions to be ignored. Zero traffic or parking enforcement. Honestly this is a great city but if we ever leave, it’ll be 100% because of this issue.


OP t1_j9ou1ze wrote

I have had several stop sign runners look me dead in the eye while doing so, and one even mocked me by rolling down his window and shouting “what? What? What?” And laughing at me as he drove away. These people are legit MALICIOUS.


t1_j9p3qjw wrote

It's so much worse in downtown JC than in Hoboken or parts of Manhattan that I've lived in. I'm not sure I understand why, but a little enforcement would go a long way.

Unfortunately the only thing I can think of is doing a traffic study on the lack of stopping and submitting it repeatedly to JCPD and City Council. The remedy is relatively simple, but we need attention on the issue from elected officials.


t1_j9q6fct wrote

Perhaps it is time to start intentionally damaging these vehicles?


t1_j9s2o21 wrote

I agree - I’m convinced that with a little bit of enforcement drivers would stop treating downtown as some kind of lawless shortcut freeway…OP - this happened to me so frequently I stopped walking through the Hamilton Park / Harismus Cove area altogether because my life just felt too threatened on a daily basis. I take Newark Ave now, which feels slightly safer.


t1_ja0hcep wrote

I’m gonnaaa scream and stomp my feet …. Darn drivers