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Nuplex t1_j7xv6zs wrote

Classic Mocco.

He is incapable of building something without dozens of violations.

Liberty Harbor may be held together with little more than popsicle sticks and elmers glue.


Jahooodie t1_j7z6we1 wrote

> Liberty Harbor may be is held together with little more than popsicle sticks and elmers glue. Allegedly

Fixed that for you. His buildings are classic JC "LUXURY HOUSING", with a nice veneer and brand name fixtures but not nicely designed for living & already crumbling apart.


Whole-Campaign89 OP t1_j7z0w77 wrote

To he fair to him, his construction approval was only for a three storey townhouse, so labor violations are just the cost of doing business. He's hoping the city won't notice that he's deviated from his permit.


Jahooodie t1_j7z6l18 wrote

You mean the shady developer with a history of ignoring permits, approvals, and agreements is doing whatever the fuck he wants? Including just building extra unapproved floors & shit? Who could have seen this happening! No one!


STMIHA t1_j7zecci wrote

One of my friends mentioned their building lost power a while back for multiple days and had to Jerry rig it from their other site. What a clown show. I wish the state would crack down on ppl like this.


Ilanaspax t1_j7zeo26 wrote

By people you mean Fulop and he won’t


STMIHA t1_j7zezus wrote

I don’t mean the mayor. While sure he has some power here along with the building dept, there are also standards a lot of these buildings must meet.


Brudesandwich t1_j7xt13p wrote

Surprise, Surprise! Who didn't see this coming?


DontBeEvil1 t1_j821aph wrote

I mean, that's the definition of "luxury" housing.