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whybother5000 t1_j840nj1 wrote

In my experience there is little correlation between car brand and general jersey asshole driver. Almost got taken down by a 20 years old Chrysler Pacifica this am. Was clearly a red for him, and a walk for me. Should commence walking carrying a baseball bat.


nuncio_populi t1_j843rq4 wrote

My wife is very noticeably pregnant and is moving somewhat slower these days as a result. She was crossing Columbus at Jersey Ave with our toddler when some asshole in an SUV rolled down his window and yelled at her to "hurry the fuck up" so he could turn faster.

I've lived here a long time and the roads have gotten safer for pedestrians in a lot of ways but there are a lot of crazies out there who do not have the patience, restraint, and foresight that should be necessary to have a driver's license. The Venn Diagram representing r/jerseycity is slowly (and rightfully) merging into the r/fuckcars circle.


eframian t1_j844czq wrote

Whenever this happens (and it happens a LOT here), I always whip out my phone and take a picture of the license plate. I don't do anything with the picture but a good chunk of the drivers (especially commercial ones) see me do this and I can see them have a microsecond of worry. It's not much, but I try!


ffejie t1_j846ndh wrote

I am with you, but this is a good way to get in real trouble. Most of these drivers are unhinged in some way, and all it takes is one guy with a problem to hop out of the car, push you down and steal/break your phone (or much much worse) if they're worried about the picture. Yeah, that's escalation on their part, and a crime vs traffic violation, but all it takes is one.

For my part, I've been giving them a wave and trying to move on.


spypol t1_j846sdi wrote

Same thing happened to me once on grove and grand. I had had a terrible day at work, and as soon as the driver opened his mouth, I uttered a “shut the fuck up” out of nowhere. Didn’t know I had that in me lol. The dude proceeded to stay quiet and left the scene slowly. (Thank god he didn’t have a weapon I guess).


LootFroop t1_j84a26y wrote

It's always been. I've seen assholes in SUVs going top speed while turning without signaling and I once saw someone almost get hit by a bus because they were focused on their phone and not the road


bindrosis t1_j84f1es wrote

I live on the corner of a 4 way stop and you can look out the window and watch as car after car after car roll right through the stop signs. Best part is that there’s a speed bump right after and you can hear all the idiots bottoming out and scraping the shit out of their cars


AshIsAWolf t1_j84h91n wrote

Oh all the time. I once nearly got run over in a crosswalk by a cop


centech t1_j84hdh5 wrote

I was in a car yesterday, turning from Marin onto Columbus (terrible intersection I'm sure you all know).. We were waiting for a pedestrian to cross and the cars behind us were all honking angrily. Like wtf.. should we run a guy down because you are in a hurry for some reason?!


ZedNaught t1_j84hkcb wrote

i think of Jersey City as the place where drivers get revenge for the fact that pedestrians control the streets in Manhattan. i basically always wait for a gap in traffic because very few drivers will respect the crosswalks unless you gamble your life


orb_king t1_j84hljg wrote

Welcome to JC! This behavior is regrettably tolerated by everyone. I moved here about ten years ago, from Seattle. I crossed the street here like I did in Seattle, and I got hit several times on Kennedy Blvd. It hurts. At the time, people told me with alarming certainty that cars don’t actually have to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks in NJ. The city has invested a LOT in road design to make this better - and believe it or not, it’s significantly better than it was then.


FParker82 t1_j84hpf6 wrote

It’s not just here. I work in Newark and the same thing happens a lot there too.


garth_meringue t1_j84j77u wrote

My favorite instance was when I was in a crosswalk on Jersey Ave and some lady ran the stop sign almost clipping me. But there was heavy traffic so she had to stop in the middle of the intersection blocking the box. She covered her face from my sight because she knew she was not only an asshole, but stupid too.


STMIHA t1_j84jc5q wrote

I drove often around here but when I do walk and get cut off like that I’ll usually give the car a nice kick or slap if it’s close enough. A lot of distracted drivers around here especially with the amount of delivery ppl. If I did that to someone walking I’d expect the same.


cstengel t1_j84lvhu wrote

I haven’t been in JC a for too long, and I do really love it here, but it is easily the most dangerous place I’ve lived when it comes to being a pedestrian and crossing streets. I’ve gotten into the habit of looking both ways and all around about three or so times before crossing the street!


nuncio_populi t1_j84op4y wrote

You can also 1) walk slower, 2) just turnaround and start back as if you forgot something or 3) look around in bewilderment as if you can’t figure out where that annoying sound is coming from.


cC2Panda t1_j84rk4d wrote

The moment got put a person in a car they lose a lot of the rationality they have. I'm guilty of getting upset mostly at other drivers in a way I wouldn't outside of a car too. But man some people are the fucking worst.

2 years ago they didn't close off Paulus Hook during 4th of July so the entire area became a giant traffic jam. At 2AM there were still people stuck in traffic and several of them kept honking their horns. It wasn't even like people weren't moving at a light or something, they were just 20 cars back waiting for people to take turns at the stop sign. I wanted to just throw a brick at some of the cars because what the fuck were they achieving with constant honking at 2AM.


BokenUnbroken t1_j84tsf1 wrote

It’s all over the region. I was in Weehawken a block from my home, crossing in a crosswalk clearly marked “state law stop for pedestrians.” I walked out, the guy swerved around me then stopped to yell, “don’t be an asshole.” I’m the one who nearly got hit, yet I am supposed to be the asshole here. LOL.


sutisuc t1_j84vxsq wrote

As bad as JC is it’s 100 times worse in Newark. NJ in general is embarrassing for how badly drivers ignore pedestrians in crosswalks. Meanwhile I was in California for a few months and if I even looked towards a crosswalk as a pedestrian drivers would come to a complete stop and wait for me to cross. Kind of pathetic seeing as NJ is much more urbanized and dense than California


StoryofTheGhost33 t1_j84xbrt wrote

I heard Hoboken has really good pedestrian crossings. Like real good.


DeepFriedAsses t1_j84y0yn wrote

If you stand on the corner and wait, you'll never cross the street. Gotta claim your space (but be ready to dodge quick and have your middle fingers at the ready)


nelozero t1_j850tez wrote

It's been like this for years. My friend almost got hit once and slapped the back of the car. The driver stopped to get out and approach him, but he just went into his building before they could get to him.


Jahooodie t1_j852pjj wrote

I've had someone stop their car and try to fist fight me, because I dared walk in a cross walk while they were trying to floor it. I did yell slow the fuck down at him, so I guess I was really asking for it?


Jahooodie t1_j853bzr wrote

While crossing grand, I had someone nudging into the crosswalk yell at me to 'hurry the fuck up so I can turn, or I'll run you over' so they could make a left on red. This was during the middle of the day when school kids were going home. Fuck someone needs to enforce some sort of traffic laws here, it just emboldens the worst possible people


Jahooodie t1_j853tku wrote

This is a skill I remind my friends visiting from out of town on. It's an omni directional check no matter if it's a one way, not looking at phones in crosswalks kinda place.


bodhipooh t1_j857qj7 wrote

Same experience, but with Texas. If you are anywhere near the crosswalk, and a driver thinks you are going to enter the crosswalk, they stop dead on their tracks and wait for you. It was so bewildering at first. After living there for 5+ years, it was a bit of a culture shock to have to adjust back to being on the defensive at all times when walking around town. Another funny/interesting one is yielding to emergency vehicles. In San Antonio, people on BOTH sides of the road will pull over to allow ambulances and fire trucks the widest path possible. And, they don't start moving again until the emergency vehicle is well on its way. When I came back here, and pulled over at the sight of an ambulance that was flashing its light, the guy behind me got enraged and laid on its horn. The level of pent up anger / aggression in this area is really eye opening.


Extension_Sun_8677 t1_j859ddd wrote

If you don’t want to be nearly run down by entitled Rich people in their obnoxiously large SUV’s then I guess you can jus move back to Nebraska


SyndicalistCPA t1_j85a54r wrote

Newark is definitely terrible. For a city that has PATH access and light rail, too many people are so car dependent. Even as a driver its a nightmare. I miss living there, but I definitely do not miss driving around there.


BromioKalen t1_j85a9xb wrote

First of all welcome to JC. After 13 years of living here I have learned to walk defensively. Always expect someone is going to make a right turn into you while you are in the crosswalk, or just run a red light, or make a left to try to beat traffic without them noticing you. Don't walk with headphones on and always be scanning around you. It's just life here unfortunately. There is no traffic enforcement by the police and everyone that drives around here knows that and they do whatever the fuck they want. Even our city council people run over people here and get a slap on the wrist and stay in office.


SadMaverick t1_j85afga wrote

Just yesterday I was in my car at a 4 way stop and other cars just blasted through the intersection. People treat everything here as mere suggestions.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j85cez3 wrote

If they were making a L on red doesn't that means you were crossing against the light too, right? I'm just guessing they entered the intersection legally, had to wait till the light changed to stop oncoming traffic (with a car or 3 running the red), and when they finally made the turn, there you were jaywalking.

Now, this may not have actually happened to you the way I guessed, but it happens plenty, with scofflaw pedestrians and cyclists playing their parts in making the streets a shitshow.


NCreature t1_j85dvtg wrote

This. The only reason I can tolerate the driving here is because I used to live in Miami which somehow managed to be worse. A lot worse. But it's a lot of the same asshole behavior. The only difference is that in Jersey you actually can get pulled over and people here at least understand the concept of street legal vehicles and sidewalks aren't for cars whereas South Florida was a total free for all. But go figure half the people down there are from Jersey.


deereverie t1_j85fxr4 wrote

Same. He stopped and asked if I was okay, but I was in too much shock to do anything but bend over and prepare to get sick (he was whipping a turn to cross JFK). He was in an unmarked car; I deeply wish I would have been able to go and ask for his badge number.


Supersize_You t1_j85locl wrote

Yup. Just to add, whenever I stop for pedestrians/cyclists, I get honked from behind. Like, dude, do you want me to run over someone so you can reach the next traffic light 5 seconds earlier?


Marybelle18 t1_j864osh wrote

Someone nearly hit us crossing Marin at Montgomery. The driver wasn’t going fast, but I surprised my husband by kicking the back of the car. Driver stopped and started to get out of his car, but people in the cross walk told him to fuck off.


busselsofkiwis t1_j86aols wrote

I stopped caring when I cross the streets anymore, especially after a long day of work. If they want to run me over when I have the right of way to walk while there's cameras filming everywhere. See them in court.


viniciusah t1_j86e4jj wrote

No. They needed to have parents doing that. It implies the parents knew better and tried to educate their kids, but somewhere on the way they failed.

I would risk saying people who drive like this even had examples inside their homes of people driving likewise. It's an endless circle.


Ambitious-Energy-334 t1_j86eswr wrote

People here don’t know how to stop at cross walks to let people cross but people here also don’t know how to use cross walks cause the try to cross when it says don’t cross or they try to cross in the middle of the street instead of using the cross walk!!


Sybertron t1_j86ffw6 wrote

No, but we have lazy east coast cops so, yeah basically is.


RAWisROLLIE t1_j86kryv wrote

They're unhinged and ignorant. I have argued with several who have gotten out of their cars, threatened me, and still believed that they had the right of way the entire time.

Clearly if they have they have the ability to stop and argue for several minutes, then they aren't in the hurry they think they are.


nycdevil t1_j86pg7m wrote

Whenever someone pulls bullshit with me, like almost hitting me at an intersection (thankfully, none of them have subsequently threatened me, although I have been "tapped" once on a run) is just to immediately take my phone out and take pictures of the person and the license plate. That turns them apologetic really quickly.


bostonforever22 t1_j86rk1m wrote

making eye contact AND being super confident (literally walking in front of a moving car that clearly doesnt WANT to stop) helps in my experience


WooliesWhiteLeg t1_j875f6n wrote

Yeah, worst drivers in the country combined with a PD that doesn’t enforce traffic laws. Welcome to the Wild West.

Last week I almost got run over across the street from the court house while literally walking on the sidewalk because some idiot decided to pull the sloppiest u turn I’ve ever seen in my life. If I hadn’t been paying attention and stopped abruptly, I would have gotten hit.


jtweezy t1_j87p0y6 wrote

I live by the corner of a three-way stop sign and a one-way street and I’m giving serious thought to filing a complaint with the police department so they set up some kind of trap to catch people blowing through the stop signs. I’ve had to yank my dog out of the way at least two or three times in the crosswalk so we avoid getting hit by cars not stopping. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t cross until no one is at the intersection now. I watched just for the hell of it yesterday and of the six cars I watched, five barely slowed down and the sixth slowed down but never even tried to stop. Something has to be done.


eframian t1_j8a1j5b wrote

This is what I did for a decade in Manhattan before some combination of coming to my senses and generally having a small child with me here in Jerz. Definitely was lucky one of the many people who slammed on their brakes and got out of their cars didn't clock me.


Jahooodie t1_j8a7p0p wrote

Car facing east/west, in a left hand turn lane, with a red, wanting to make an illegal left on red.

Me crossing the perpendicular road, going north/south, with a pedestrian cross sign on. There is no left arrow light at this intersection.

Nah man, this ain't on me jaywalkin


Mandy0621 t1_j8c2m68 wrote

So are red lights apparently. People always try to beat the red at the Marin blvd and Morgan street intersection to the point that I’m overly cautious crossing there and always wait a bit longer after the light changes.


sunjayveda t1_j8gok79 wrote

A lady honked at me and my daughter while we were on a crosswalk. My daughter was 14 months. I yelled out with a smile “C’mon…did you just honk at a baby?”