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A_Downboat_Is_A_Sub t1_jaeh67x wrote

  • Green: "Go.... and get broadsided by the light rail."

  • Yellow: "Proceed into the side of the light rail with caution"


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_jaej5vi wrote

Now you know why there are so many cases of cars hitting trains here.


kulgan t1_jaem6er wrote

I don't know who you should report this to, but please report it somewhere. Maybe seeclickfix? I feel like I've seen this exact situation at this intersection before.


bodhipooh t1_jaeo205 wrote

Or, maybe the light rail conductor failed to observe a signal telling him to stop. Without visual proof of the train signal, it's impossible to tell what happened here. But, honestly, if I was betting, I would go with the theory that the conductor is at fault.


samwiseganja96 t1_jaeoc1o wrote

I suggest compiling the links to the numerous reddit posts into an email and forwarding that to all council members and the mayor. If anyone wants I will be doing so and will post the links on this thread so you can copypasta


weenus_tickler t1_jaeq98j wrote

The light rail is supposed to wait for red, conductor probably decided to go early.


QuantumCryptoKush t1_jaeqioa wrote

That’s happened to me before as well at that exact same light.


swiftkickinthedick t1_jaerjck wrote

This happened to me WHEN I WAS WALKING by Newport mall. I go to cross the tracks and I I look up to my left and the light rail train is stopping short 2 feet from my face. The operator raises his hands to say “what the fuck” and then I point at the light and the walk signal. Not sure if it was operator error or the traffic signal was fucked up


michael_scarn17 t1_jaesn22 wrote

I know someone who’s father hit by a train, light was green and town paid them $5M. Next time get hit


Economy-Cupcake808 t1_jaeteed wrote

Sometimes I look out the front of the light rail and I have seen conductors go on a horizontal bar at an intersection. (Horizontal bar tells train to stop at crossing vertical says to go)

EDIT. Upon closer inspection it appears the operator ran through a signal telling them to stop, you can see a horizontal bar in this image.


The_Nomadic_Nerd t1_jaetqwx wrote

The same thing happened to me by the light rail crossing at Liberty State Park last weekend. So dangerous...


red__what t1_jaev1ah wrote

I have seen this a couple times too.

This is the shit that keeps one up at night.


Ok_Respect6130 t1_jaewu3r wrote

Happens all the time at the Marin stop. They just go whenever they please. It’s wild.


GesaSaint t1_jaexvfk wrote

It happened to me too this morning near bj’s


Xciv t1_jaf3fyy wrote

This is a serious high priority hazard. Should report to the city ASAP before someone gets smooshed.