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susangjc t1_j9naff2 wrote

Google maps is pretty accurate for public transportation and timing (set your arrive by time to roughly your work start time to get correct schedules). In general in Jersey City, the closer to the PATH station, the faster your commute, but also the more expensive your rent. PATH from Jersey City to 23rd and 6th is likely about 20 mins so it will depend on walking time to and from PATH station about your commute (and/or if Chelsea location is far enough you want to transfer to subway or bus in NYC).


whybother5000 t1_j9o7rlu wrote

Journal sq near the station should fulfill this need. Presumably you’re sleeping in JC and working/partying in NY rest of the day.


mickyrow42 t1_j9ojwpn wrote

> moving to JC to save some money on rent

You have been terribly misinformed.


TheObliviousPickle t1_j9olmbp wrote

That’s a shitty area and will take you 15min to walk to the closest path station. You’re better off looking in nyc and finding a roommate or two. Young people do not live in that area and there is 0 nightlife.


GoodTofuFriday t1_j9owoeb wrote

Ive lived here 30 years. Feel free to DM me if you need help.

The location you listed is close to the path.

From that spot -walking to the path - taking it to 14th st, and then walking to the chealsea meat packing area will take you about 45min to an hour.


Supablue24 t1_j9oz2ek wrote

Greenville sounds like a good place for you.


Substantial-Floor926 t1_j9paifp wrote

30 minute max commute then you need to live like under a 7 minute walk from either exchange place, grove st, or Newport stations. Places won’t be cheap tho


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j9pbsgc wrote

> I'm planning on moving to JC to save some money on rent for the summer.

This is a bad idea. JC has the highest rents in the country.


Embarrassed_Ferret50 t1_j9pkjdf wrote

I live in JC and commuted to Chelsea (15th & 9th) for 3 years - it’s really easy as long as you’re near the 33rd street PATH line. However I wouldn’t bet on it only taking you 30 mins due to a number of variables. I’m ~10 min walk from Grove Street and would always budget at least 45 mins to be safe. But it’s a straight shot and only requires you to take 1 mode of transportation.


TheObliviousPickle t1_j9qjs7i wrote

Some people are happy their pizza came cold from sitting out at the pizzeria because they prefer it cold. Doesn’t mean I’d recommend somebody order a cold pizza though. Most people would like it hot. Congrats on being a quirky outlier but please try not to dismiss quality general advice.


Laterdays82 t1_j9s33nm wrote

If you're looking at an Airbnb in that building, make sure it is permitted and licensed. You don't want to be kicked out after a week if it turns out the building doesn't allow sublets or short term rentals.


BeyondBaltimore t1_j9scpf3 wrote

Would you happen to have any advice on finding roommates? I don't know anyone else from my internship who is moving to NYC. I'm from Baltimore (hence the username) where finding your own place for $1300 a month in a relatively nicer area is not difficult at all. I think I have been looking for places for myself rather than looking for something with other people. I have a solid budget of $10k which the company is giving me to move out and rent for 3 months on top of solid hourly pay.


BeyondBaltimore t1_j9scxe5 wrote

Thank you, I appreciate you checking me and being honest. Would you say it's a better idea to live in Manhattan somewhere over the summer? It seems like commute times would be less there and I don't have to live in or around Chelsea.