Submitted by cssndra_d t3_1128wnk in jerseycity

I’m in the process of going to court because my car along with several others was towed on 9/24 in front of 222 Montgomery Street due to the Newport Marathon. No signs were hung until the cars were towed. The judge told me to get a letter from JC Parking stating when signs were issued and posted. Is anyone else dealing with this?



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robin_tern t1_j8inpku wrote

I think the judge knows it will be impossible for you obtain such a letter from the Parking Authority.



zero_cool_protege t1_j8j2iqm wrote

If I were you I would send a written request via certified mail


bodhipooh t1_j8ji3yz wrote

In my experience, the Parking Authority will do you the courtesy of printing a letter stating your permits on record if you need to go to court to fight a ticket. But, asking the Parking Authority to print out a letter stating "yeah, we fucked up, and you were incorrectly towed because of our mistake" is probably as likely as watching pigs fly.


cssndra_d OP t1_j8jqemg wrote

I made that point to the judge as well and she said we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. In the hour I was at the impound there were around 17 people there who were all parked along the route of the marathon because the signs were not hung.