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lucidrevolution t1_j9uz658 wrote

So I've lived here for almost 32 years and you think that I hate it here, and that I myself should leave? I'll go, but you have to pay for it.


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j9vvczl wrote

Why do you live in a place for 32 years and still bash it? And let's stop pretending cost is an issue, this is Jersey City, your rent will be lower elsewhere in the country.


Brudesandwich t1_j9wfccn wrote

That's the JC way. Look at how many people in this thread are laughing at the same city they live in. They would rather JC fail then ever do anything else. The pessimism is the biggest drawback of living here for me. It's tiring


Ilanaspax t1_j9ydcgr wrote

Not being rude but if you care about people (rightfully) laughing at your city….you need to get a life.


Brudesandwich t1_j9yhxdt wrote

You literally post all the time about Fulop and nothing else. Yet YOU want to tell someone else to get a life? 😂


Ilanaspax t1_j9ymikb wrote

Yes posting about the many corrupt acts our mayor participates in on a public forum filled with tax payers who (hopefully) vote is definitely the same as crying over someone saying jersey city is lame.

Might wanna lay off the stimulants buddy.