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Brudesandwich t1_j8yawwy wrote

I prefer this than what's currently there now


Jctexan OP t1_j8ybc8d wrote

No one is advocating for keeping it empty. We all want to see more housing. The discussion is that a mid-rise on multiple buildings is better for many reasons and a similar number of units could be built on that same lot in a mid-rise fashion. High-rise doesn’t help the neighborhood even if it’s a pretty design.


Dependent_Map_3940 t1_j8yn4bp wrote

so if you think multiple mid rises buildings would be better than one building, put your money where your mouth is. Gather info like the size of the land, find out about all the building/apartment codes, get with a architect & propose a design for what you think should be there with 420 units.


Jctexan OP t1_j8ynh80 wrote

Yeah…that’s not how it works but…kk
