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Affectionate-Buy2539 t1_j8yc9go wrote

I saw somewhere in this thread that this development will "block light to a park". Can someone help me understand that claim better? I thought this would be north of Berry Lane Park and the sun moves east to west. When would it block light? Or are there many other things being built currently around that park too?


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j8ytxw0 wrote

In Jersey City, there will never be a building that casts a shadow southward. OP doesn't know what they're talking about, what the Tropic of Cancer is, or how shadows work.


Basilone1917 t1_j8zq01o wrote

Also, shade in a park is awesome, unless you enjoy burning up during the summer months.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j91p21v wrote

You make a good point for some 75 floor highrises south of the park.


Basilone1917 t1_j92b9j4 wrote

Just like Central Park, now fallen under the shadow realm of Billionaire's Row.


JcpaNYC t1_j91gbje wrote

FYI- All projects submit shadow studies which can be found on the jersey city planning board website. If anyone cares enough to look.

That said- OP just seems to be a NIMBY


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j91p7py wrote

OP is the biggest NIMBY of them all. Just resist, OP is trying to raise our rents.


Jctexan OP t1_j929rjy wrote

Yep, I looked and couldn’t find it. I’m pro-density, this isn’t my backyard, but…kk


Zorping t1_j92e970 wrote

This isn't your backyard...wait...this isn't even your neighborhood!?

LOL! I actually do live in this neighborhood and while I can't speak for everyone I'd personally appreciate it if outsiders such as yourself didn't try to ruin improvements to the area like this building. This neighborhood has been on the rise, when these apartments come so do new businesses. If you want to delay progress in your own neighborhood please feel free but don't come into our neighborhood to try to push your agenda on us.


Affectionate-Buy2539 t1_j92nh9f wrote

Additionally, after OP's admission I find it pretty interesting that the people who actually have neighborhood tags in this thread (Greenville, Communipaw) are in areas that would be impacted and seem to see the project favorably.


Jctexan OP t1_j92sfjf wrote

I live in Bergen Lafayette. I work and shop here, too. It is my community, if not my backyard. We can disagree on the way to get the pros of density without taking things personally.