Submitted by Jctexan t3_114tw8h in jerseycity
Jctexan OP t1_j8zbumw wrote
Reply to comment by 4th-Ale-Or-Lingas in Why is planning allowing this building? Eli5 by Jctexan
Because you’re not being genuine. You’re playing the “give me the proof so I can refute it” game and it’s silly. If you really want to know the answer you will look it up.
I posted asking why this building is getting approved when it doesn’t meet zoning or fit in with the character of the neighborhood. It doesn’t make any sense to me. If you have no reasons why, that’s cool, no worries, you don’t have to come up with one - but man, you have to learn how to google if you want to know something - don’t rely on other people EVEN IF THEY GIVE YOU A LINK. One link shouldn’t convince you, lol.
If you want to remain uneducated, you can do that. If you want to educate yourself you can do that too. Google is free.
4th-Ale-Or-Lingas t1_j8zcxrp wrote
So there is no data, got it. You could have saved us some time by just not claiming to have data in the first place.
Since there is no data, this basically comes down to something that is purely a matter of personal preference and opinion. I am a fan of buildings like this, I live in one myself and it's the best place I've lived in this city. I think the design for this new one looks pretty great and will make a good addition to the neighborhood.
If you had some sort of study with data that literally showed people who live in a particular type of building are "less connected", I would find that pretty interesting. It probably wouldn't change my overall opinion on the building, but it might sway other people and would be worth considering. As you've indicated though, the data doesn't seem to actually exist, so it's not really relevant.
For future reference, when one person claims to have data, other people asking to see it is not a weird or hostile request.
Jctexan OP t1_j8zdnv5 wrote
I didn’t indicate the data doesn’t exist, lol
4th-Ale-Or-Lingas t1_j8zevhs wrote
It is certainly implied by your refusal to share it. At this point I'd just find it weird if it did exist, I mean who claims to have data, actually does have it but just refuses to share it across multiple replies? That's weirder than just making it up to begin with. Still, if by some odd chance this data that literally measures how connected people are to their neighborhood and shows, in your exact words, "most people are disconnected", I think myself and others would find that very interesting. That's a very specific claim on a metric pretty hard to quantify, so if such data exists I think it would be fascinating to read.
A few replies ago when I first asked if you'd share, you said "Happy to to", and then didn't. And then didn't again. And didn't again after that.
It either doesn't exist at all, or it does but doesn't show what you claim it does and you've realized that and don't want to look silly, or you're just maybe not that polite. I can't tell which. I'll say again though, asking for data when one person claims to have it is not hostile and not an abnormal request. If you claim to have data that shows a specific point you should be prepared to share it on request, and probably just include it in your initial remarks to begin with. Citing sources, and all.
I'll reply again if you have any actual data to share, otherwise I think this conversation is pretty much purposeless.
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