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seaburn t1_jcp65qy wrote

Why aren’t they fighting liquor stores being opened in the same area?


upnflames t1_jcp7wru wrote

I think weed is going to have a harder time being openly acceptable because people hate the way it smells and a lot of people openly smoke while walking around outside. With alcohol, you're not really bothering anyone unless you're hammered.

I mean, I smoke weed and that's just my take. Like, time and a place ya know? I'm definitely not a fan of every public space smelling like weed every nice day outside. I know many pot advocates do a lot of hand waving over this, but I can tell you, a lot of folks really dislike this aspect of legalization, both smokers and non smokers.


garth_meringue t1_jcpai53 wrote

Right, most people don't care about the "vice" aspect, it's the nuisance. Almost no one would care if consumption were only edibles, it's the smoke and odor.

Cigarette smoking has already been pushed to the fringes for awhile now, it's not like people are going to suddenly welcome weed smoke.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_jcqmb40 wrote

This. Honestly, I dislike it no matter what type of smoke hits me outside, and I do smoke weed. No one should have to involuntary inhale smoke. Or incense and perfume for that matter.


seaburn t1_jcp9mdn wrote

Not that I disagree, but it’s still considered public intoxication and public consumption to smoke it out in the open. Not sure legal dispensaries are linked to an increase in public consumption in any way, like liquor stores leading to public consumption. If anything, more available dispensaries means more edible/non-smokable products for residents.


No-Practice-8038 t1_jcpak3e wrote

Thank you for some real truth. I was all in for medical dispensaries but did not agree to the rush for full legalization. I see kids smoking before school. See shops openly selling. The guy who holds the door at the Dunkin’ Donut near my work illegally selling weed and other miracle drugs with no consequences. I used to luv walking around New York City but every other block all you see is dealers, people smoking in public and that nasty stink. I have come home smelling a bit too.


ScumbagMacbeth t1_jcq1xfc wrote

Literally everything you're talking about is still illegal and has nothing to do with legal cannabis.


No-Practice-8038 t1_jcqh23s wrote

Before legalization you did not have this problem to the extent it has come too: This is due directly to legalization.


miranomejoda t1_jct9e8f wrote

because the system is still rigged. Drinking is acceptable because it was a rich / white thing in the past.

Marijuana was made illegal because at the time majority of its use was by brown people and other "undesirables" who may become violent or cause white woman to have sex with black men.


DeepFriedAsses t1_jctsfea wrote

Secondhand smoke and most weed smokers have a idgaf attitude about it


BigAlOof t1_jcxzau9 wrote

the people brazenly smoking on the street are not most weed smokers. if most weed smokers were doing that there’d be at least twice as many.