Imposter24 t1_javs6qb wrote
jersey385 t1_javv1gt wrote
That is a cool cat.
slickmartini t1_javvivr wrote
beta_pup t1_javww88 wrote
You know, I saw this in r/cats and thought, "Huh, wouldn't it be funny if this is Jersey City?"
I'd probably stop and take a pic, too.
JourneymanHunt OP t1_javy0qh wrote
Thank you!
JourneymanHunt OP t1_javy3ob wrote
Glad they bring happiness!
JourneymanHunt OP t1_javy99j wrote
Hi friend! Never expected it to get where it did, just thought it was a cute picture.
Delicious_Adeptness9 t1_jaw64zq wrote
Wow, camouflage is still strong in the domestic genes!
JourneymanHunt OP t1_jaw6bxk wrote
Seriously! I didn't even realize she was there in the 1st post until people started pointing it out.
lucidrevolution t1_jaw6gfr wrote
I saw this on there, and thought "is this Jersey City??" and then didn't investigate further... so thanks for confirming that I recognized this somehow. Beautiful loaf!
JourneymanHunt OP t1_jaw6u10 wrote
Thank you! As a cat owner and cat person hitting the top of r/cats is a pretty fun little thing to do, lol.
Especially on what I figured was just a throwaway pic that might get up to 25 likes
beta_pup t1_jaw8xza wrote
It's really sweet that the person taking the pic is all smiles.
ManchurianPandaDate t1_jawdnxa wrote
squee_bastard t1_jawh2zq wrote
I love to see how many of you are cat people ❤️🐈⬛🐾🐈
squee_bastard t1_jawh7wl wrote
Chonkers and r/Flonkers are the best
MediumRareBacon_ t1_jawj91a wrote
JourneymanHunt OP t1_jawk3eq wrote
Meow there is a man of distinction.
MailenJokerbell t1_jaxe1bl wrote
I feel like I've seen your multicolored white cat before
JourneymanHunt OP t1_jaxfzde wrote
Bergen Lafayette
MailenJokerbell t1_jaxjcw0 wrote
I live close so most likely it was!
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_jaxo3ps wrote
what made you think JC?
neon_kid t1_jay06qb wrote
we have a permanent gray/industrial filter
DontBeEvil1 t1_jay0pa2 wrote
Just a guy with a big grin on his face taking a picture of another guy taking a picture of the 1st grinning guy's 2 cats.
lucidrevolution t1_jay99ur wrote
I wish I could make sense of it, but I assume it's just something about our lovely streets.
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_jaya4xv wrote
Wow man it’s really trending lol! I had a post that went to the top of I forget if it was pics or interesting… it was one of those COVID taxis that had wacky ventilation setups
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_jaya6bq wrote
It does look like jc
JourneymanHunt OP t1_jayambp wrote
Reddit is a fickle God, that's for sure, lol.
doofygoobz t1_jaybxaf wrote
The camouflaged cat loaf should be mayor of Jersey city
JourneymanHunt OP t1_jayx3oo wrote
Hello fellow BeLa member!
aubreypizza t1_jaz3m6i wrote
Waitasecond!! I saw this in cats and was like aww that is definitely something I’d do. To find out it’s right here! Awesome!
JourneymanHunt OP t1_jaz5qjh wrote
Thanks local friend!
GoHuskies1984 t1_javpet0 wrote
Repost to r/Chonkers and get them upvotes.