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djn24 t1_je2ectc wrote

More supply has to be built, but it also has to be built outside of one particular area.

Hudson County in NJ and some of the other surrounding NJ counties, plus Long Island and some of SW Connecticut have welcomed the urban sprawl from NYC.

However, north of NYC along the Hudson River has pushed back for too long. I grew up in that area, and they can easily handle significant increases in population. It's unreasonable to be within commuting distance of one of the largest cities in the world and think that your community should stay practically rural for over a century. They need to gradually start accepting the sprawl and realizing that the rural was great while it lasted, but it's no longer sustainable that close to the city.

And I'm saying this as somebody that loves the Hudson Valley. It just doesn't make sense that the mid-Hudson valley is still so sparsely populated while there is a massive housing crisis closer to the city that's ready to blow up.