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nuncio_populi OP t1_jdjqziu wrote

You're right this will never happen but the petition isn't about feasibility. It's about two things: 1) showing that there is diverse community resistance to Fireman's plans to privatize LSP; and 2) if he really wanted to build a resource for the community, he could do so overnight on his own land.

He's a billionaire with immeasurable wealth and vast real estate holdings. Instead, he devotes his time and energy trying to take away land from the people of NJ. I can't think of a better fight to fight, even if it is quixotic tilting at windmills.


paul-e-walnts t1_jdk152y wrote

It’s trolling.


gigiwasabi_jc t1_jdkdpwq wrote

There’s a long tradition of “trolling” like this in activism! It’s another way to get attention and maybe/hopefully get people on your side.


nuncio_populi OP t1_jdk1luw wrote

It’s fighting back in the ways we can.


paul-e-walnts t1_jdkakhf wrote

If all you’re willing to do is from your keyboard, sure. And even, then it’s not useful.
