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jersey-city-park t1_je10q72 wrote

> Because it details how these giant corporate landlords have essentially monopolized the rental market using an app

Allegedly. Anyone that ignores the economic factors just has their head up their own ass


Jahooodie t1_je14neu wrote

But why not both!


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_je1axcq wrote

Because any time you say "supply and demand" on this subreddit certain people's heads explode. Yet they have no problem understanding it when it comes to food or car production. No one in their right mind would argue to stop the production of new cars to bring down car prices.

Collusion is bad, and also supply and demand is real.


Jahooodie t1_je1nu2v wrote

So you're saying the collusion has finally become an issue Mr. Powell?


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_je1w0um wrote

It should certainly be investigated and action taken against them, how much it would help remains to be seen.