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Economy-Cupcake808 t1_jegbtgc wrote

Doesn’t address any of the other issues raised, I.E inadequate signage, charging above the maximum permitted decoupling fee, they could also still be cruising for cars. Not sure why you are going to bat for the tow company here.


Direct_Ad18 t1_jegd4n5 wrote

I'm not going to bat for the tow company. But to think that the multi million dollar developer who owns this parking lot has a mistake in their tow signage is laughable. They have been having cars towed out of this parking lot for decades. I was towed out of it in 2008 or 2009. You clearly are not familiar with this area or this parking lot at all. As I said before, anyone who has lived in Jersey City more than a week knows that if you park illegally in this parking lot, you will get towed immediately.

I already said if it's not their tow company and it was a random tow company cruising then OP has a case. But it's more likely the multi million dollar developer who owns the lot has a tow company on standby 24/7 watching cameras.