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DirectorBeneficial48 t1_jdbf07p wrote

Been meaning to check out 902. Guess I never will.


[deleted] t1_jdcd7b9 wrote



innocentsubterfuge t1_jdckd0q wrote

Maybe support the community if you want the community to support you. Just an idea from the community.


summerhairfrvryoung t1_jdd94nh wrote

isn’t hosting a public forum with someone people want to question a form of supporting the community? they’re not taking sides, just giving an opportunity for people to ask questions. i think 902 is getting an unfair amount of flak for just hosting a Q&A session. obviously, it would be different if this was after the event and only softball questions were allowed


fruit__gummy t1_jddfmb7 wrote

they are making money off of an event run by supporters of privatizing the park, it’s that simple


summerhairfrvryoung t1_jddphw7 wrote

are they getting paid for it though?


innocentsubterfuge t1_jddrqmw wrote

Are you seriously asking if they’re going to be making money from people paying to use their facilities and purchasing their product?