A+ coalition building by Progressive Democrats leader Hector Oseguera. Is this his strategy for getting >30% of the vote next time?
Submitted by clade_nade t3_11phsii in jerseycity
Besides being politically counterproductive -- who exactly does he think is voting for progressive candidates in cities? -- this take is like forty years out of date. Young white people in urban centers, known for their... dislike of seasoned food?
It’s like he used chatGPT progressive Twitter mode to construct his by the numbers non-comment.
He's also a fake progressive like Brian Stack (who is currently using gobs of taxpayer money to fight Hoboken on their plan to build housing that might slightly block some Union City millionaires NYC views). The machine likes him. He voted to ban all marijuana stores from opening in Union City and I have no doubt he'd extend that to all of Hudson County if allowed.
As one of those blue collar Union City residents about to have his view blocked, I can guarantee you there aren’t many of these “millionaires” you’re dreaming up. Pretty normal people who just like to keep the little they have.
How much is your residence worth?
The only places I see at that valuation have tremendous HOA fees pricing out the working class
You almost make it sound like the rental market is any more generous. In any event, I’m still a union worker and not a millionaire.
Power to the Union, my man
How many millionaires live in union city?
Quite a few in the residential units with NYC views.
The machine likes me???
You're the one who bragged about your Stack endorsement. While you're here, care to tell us why you believe marijuana doesn't belong in Union City? You made public comments claiming to be in support of marijuana sales in Union City and then went ahead and voted to ban it anyways, just like Stack. The literal textbook machine politician play.
I was never endorsed by Brian Stack. He endorsed my opponent in 2020.
I also never voted against dispensaries in UC because I’m not on City Council. The UC Council voted on the ordinance to ban cannabis dispensaries.
As a member of the Planning Board my vote was that the ordinance was consistent with the City’s Master Plan, because it is consistent with the Master Plan, despite my personal feelings about the substance of the ordinance.
If you check the Board minutes I spoke at length about my opposition to banning dispensaries & gave an interview to the Hudson County View reiterating my views. I have always been pro cannabis legalization.
Article linked below:
On 3/19/21, since deleted: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E1sK1zzWUAAXJ-x?format=png&name=small
Why was it necessary to say all the stuff about "this is a very densely populated community" if you didn't want it to pass? I also don't agree that the majority of Union City residents (an extremely Democratic city) oppose marijuana legalization. The true majority would have supported (had it not been for suppression through machine power) and a no vote on that would have given them a voice.
You said earlier that I bragged about getting Stack’s endorsement, but you’re showing me a tweet where I said that he does retail politics better than other elected officials in Hudson County, which is just a statement of objective fact.
What’s the point of indicating that it’s a densely populated community as part of banning dispensaries?
Hey Hector. I proudly voted for you in the last election but this really isn't a good look. I agree with your policies but on-line trolling and taunting feels an awful lot like an ex-president of ours. Might I kindly recommend logging off for a bit. It's the internet. Every tweet isn't a battle cry and there are much better ways to use your time. Good luck.
Wonder how he feels about votes from melanin deprived people? What an utterly ridiculous phrase from someone with an axe to grind
It’s interesting to see certain “progressives” employing the same immature tactics that Trump & Co. use when they have nothing substantive or useful to add to a conversation. He’s trying to be edgy like AOC, but he has zero substance.
It’s juvenile behavior and people who act like this should not be in positions of power.
Did you notice who else liked it on Twitter. Kristen Zadroga Hart. Another former candidate and teacher.
Happy to chat about this in person if you’re down.
I think we might have run into each other in person when canvassing for Joel Brooks. Or I might be misremembering. Anyway, Joel never talked like this (at least in public), and no serious candidate or organizer should, either.
Or, you know, you could just say it here
I cherish & enjoy nuanced debates on policy, especially housing policy. But a forum where anything I write will be downvoted en mass doesn’t seem to be a good place for that sort of discussion.
I sincerely doubt this one Retweet changed anyone’s opinion of me, rather it provided those who already hated me a reason to justify their disdain.
I had no opinion of you until seeing this.
I mean, it changed mine.
I genuinely didn’t know who you were, and if it stayed that way probably would’ve voted for anyone running as a progressive democrat if I saw them on the ticket.
I really hope I’m wrong about you, but nothing you’re responding in this thread is giving me any sign that i am.
Then again, I’m just one person in JC, which might not matter to you.
Edit: formatting
If you are open to finding out whether or not you were wrong about me, the offer to connect is always open. But I don’t think it’s fair or accurate to boil me & my advocacy down to one Retweet.
That’s fair, so I was looking you up.
I looked your Twitter up, found you bragging about making people on Reddit cry, which I guess would include me?
Your offer doesn’t seem genuine. If I meet with you, will you brag about shitting on me on Twitter like you just did? Why would I ever meet with you then.
If you actually disagreed with what was in the tweet you'd say it outright.
Despite the fact that I’m a hardcore progressive—and like many others here, would be your natural ally—this retweet makes me not like you. I’m not saying this is fair, since I don’t know you, but first impressions matter.
Whether you like it or not, now you’re in a position of having to change my mind about you based on further actions and words. And it’s clear this is a widely shared sentiment. However, given your defensive (and at times reactionary) responses in this thread, my first impression of you stands.
If you can’t recognize the difficult position you’ve put yourself in with many Jersey City progressives because of your unnecessarily charged rhetoric and the seeming inability to recognize legitimate reasons that your potential allies may not like what you say and how you say it, then you’re not as skilled of a politician as you think you are.
her initial tweet categorizes “home turf” for select groups, wasn’t JC in 80s/90s made of all walks of life? why divide?
Found his ghost account
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