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zjuka t1_jbyg2fb wrote

This person is a mental health counselor… o.O

Hector Oseguera is a spineless populist and will say anything he thinks might get him votes, but will just as easily abandon his earlier statement if he’d feel that would work for him better.


Brudesandwich t1_jbzzacu wrote

I've all but blocked that account as well. You better believe they are on here as well. You can see the similarities of bow they write on here and on twitter. It's the same people who genuinely think they are doing something


zjuka t1_jc018p6 wrote

They are a private citizen and have as much right to be on here and on twitter as you and me, with all their dumbassery. Hector, on the other hand, is still associated by many with a Progressive cause and retweeting that dumbassey hurts the cause, which I don’t appreciate.

Now anyone that benefits from housing deregulation can screengrab this flaming pile of opinion and convince the undecided that Progressives are a bunch of militant ultra-leftists (not sure if that’s a right term) that try to set NJ on fire.

I personally know a lot of people that will be turned off from the Progressive cause, with all the good things that might come off it, if they think that this is what the movement is about.


sutisuc t1_jc27zh8 wrote

LMAO this is even better considering they live in JC but have NYC shit all over their profile. Surprised they didn’t put “NY/NJ” as their location.


oseguera2020 t1_jbz54ic wrote

Yes anything to get votes for… what exactly am I running for?


zjuka t1_jbzcy3x wrote

So you’re saying you don’t have any plans for 2024? Good. Elena is a decent candidate, affiliation with you doesn’t do her any favors. Having said that, I generally agree with your position. I just don’t think you can pull off any changes for Jersey community.

Also: if you don’t have any plans to run in the future, why don’t you change your Twitter info to “Private citizen who is totally entitled to his opinion that will not affect NJ politics”? Your failed 2020 campaign website is still featured there.


oseguera2020 t1_jbzf4vc wrote

Opinions like this just make me get involved more.


zjuka t1_jbzg6nt wrote

By all means. Everyone should be involved more. But your retweets are harmful to the cause. T#### is a private citizen and can say whatever the f they want. People still associate you with the Progressive movement and you make it look like a s**t flinging contest.

Love, voting taxpayer


oseguera2020 t1_jbzh929 wrote

You’ve made it abundantly clear you already had a negative opinion of me, so pardon if I don’t put much weight into the words of naysayers.

Love, a random person who doesn’t live in JC & isn’t running for office.


Brudesandwich t1_jbzzr50 wrote

Dude. I followed you before and thought you were genuinely s good candidate. This is showing me I was wrong


idontbs t1_jc0274o wrote

He didn’t make that statement, straw man argument here.

You can make your presence felt to garner public support BEFORE announcing you’re officially running for something. The whole purpose of that is to hopefully gain votes for your eventual campaign.

So… the comment you’re replying to was a fair statement and your response was a useless deflection.