Oh give me a break. It would be fairly easy (in the context of the US anyway) to address some very recent past wrongs that account for a significant portion of the existing wealth inequities across racial lines. I’m talking about the GI Bill and other post-WWII policies that helped build the white middle class - at the exclusion of Black Americans (including Black war veterans…I mean, just vile behavior). Similar legislation is possible. What’s lacking is the will power because, you guessed it, this is still a very white supremacist society and a Black underclass is needed for its survival. So keep that we are the world BS to yourself. We aren’t buying it.
I have strong factual disagreements with much of what you wrote, but I think the bottom line is that you cannot reasonably expect people from other racial groups to support programs that discriminate against them based on their skin color. If you ever want to work toward wealth equality for all Americans, regardless of skin color, let me know.
I mean, we can both agree that calling white people “melanin deficient” isn’t the way to do much of anything. I just don’t think a “race neutral” approach will solve centuries of racist policy.
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