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Knobbies4Ever t1_ir5673i wrote

Forget about the cord on the sidewalk for a sec: how do you make sure nobody else parks in “your” spot on the street?


bodhipooh t1_ir58ifi wrote

If this was Boston, the easy solution is a lawn chair. IYKYK.


Pandaburn t1_ir62bxu wrote

The lawn chair is only for a spot you shoveled! It’s not for reserving the spot in front of your house.

Please lawn chair responsibly.


amrech t1_ir61lv6 wrote

Or literally anything. I used to use a laundry basket or an Adirondack chair


bodhipooh t1_ir6yr6a wrote

If you lived there and moved here, I hope you have learned by now that such measures won't fly in JC. I mean, unless you are willing to go full southie and beat someone to death over their audacity to avail themselves of a cleared up spot. In which case, maybe don't come here... we have enough crazies already.


amrech t1_ir83smt wrote

Too late, already here. Yes I did live in southie. I’m originally from here so no I have common sense and know where I am.


DirectorBeneficial48 t1_ir6b7gd wrote

You don't need to charge it every time, usually only like once a week. Fairly good odds you get to park within range of that at least once per week, unless someone doesn't move their car for cleaning. Yea, it's certainly not foolproof, and there's 100% gonna be times you need it and can't get right to it, but it would theoretically be fine more often than not


well_damm t1_ir6kfb8 wrote

And even in that instance, I’m sure you can grab a charge somewhere else if really needed.


jimmybot t1_ir73nel wrote

It's a good point... but should we be forgetting about the elderly, handicapped, vision-impaired? Anyone could easily trip over that if they are distracted or it's night or any number of situations.


Knobbies4Ever t1_ir769z5 wrote

I agree with you 100%. If someone needs to run a cord or hose across the sidewalk for a temporary project, ok. But a seemingly permanent thing like this? No way. I’d talk to them if I knew them, or SeeClickFix it.


eframian t1_ir78cne wrote

Yes and... I at least appreciate the person in the picture put some amount of effort in! The sidewalks of JC have much bumpier sections than that!


NMS-KTG t1_ir5zs6v wrote

Im Dover people buy traffic cones to mark out "their" space