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FollowMeKids t1_ir5aejv wrote

That’s a liability issue right there. Someone trips and falls and you’ve got yourself a lawsuit.


EagleFly_5 t1_ir5fs4g wrote

At least they did the considerate thing to cover most of the charging cable on the floor with a ramp/cable protector (coming from a photography profession, gaffing cables on floor/covering cables = a must), but you’re right, not a foolproof solution in regards to personal injuries.

Also winter/snow + ice is a near certainty for the area starting in ~8 weeks (after Thanksgiving at least), what’s the homeowner’s solution then in regards to shoveling/de-icing + keeping the cable (& the parking/sidewalk) obstruction free, in addition to keeping the cables neat?


crunchybaguette t1_ir6c5bl wrote

This one looks like a mobile charger that they could just unplug and stow in their trunk. Probably just hooked up to a normal 120v outlet that they ran to an outdoor receptacle. Nothing really special here that someone couldn’t remove/close up before bad weather.


scubastefon t1_ir5ibj7 wrote

agree, i would not do this. even if someone doesn't inadvertently trip on it, they may trip on it on purpose and nail you for it. There is a guy on Sussex near Washington street who charges his Volt on the street. He has the charger hanging from a nearby tree. It's a pretty crazy looking set up, but it does the job