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HappyArtichoke7729 t1_ithv9tm wrote

He's fantasizing about the colossal waste of money that is expanding the turnpike while not building a north/south PATH line.


possums101 t1_ithwf90 wrote

Yeah at the last Gen z meeting we voted on which woodwind instrument to play while driving to scare the boomers.


spypol t1_itiowcv wrote

If he stopped at a stop sign, I don’t care what he does.


swaagcaat t1_itiqxpj wrote

I saw him the other week too thought I was seeing things


splorgen t1_itj115m wrote

when you havent practiced and youre on your way to your music teacher for your lesson


IamLars t1_itj86wp wrote

Was it a Tesla or something else that can basically drive itself?


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_itkyosl wrote

Negative. That isn't PATH, doesn't use the same tickets, doesn't share stations, and is frequently blocked and delayed because of motor vehicles getting stuck or having accidents.

Plus, I am talking about tracks from Fort Lee to Bayonne (or Staten Island) via Journal Square.


SonOfMcGee t1_itlk9j6 wrote

The other day I got on 78-West at the Columbus/Montgomery entrance and right after the toll plaza I saw a guy on an e-scooter driving down the shoulder. As I passed him I noticed he was on a FaceTime call and giving it his full attention.


XplodiaDustybread t1_itnc633 wrote

Saw an Uber eats driver do this back in august while he waited for the food to be ready. Possibly the same person but either way, I’m ALL for it. That’s fucking awesome.