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carbosaurusrex t1_irj6ajo wrote

There are some moms groups on Facebook. Search for “Jersey City moms” or your neighborhood + moms. They’d probably be able to tell you more about what’s out there.


DanPinto t1_irjcsdk wrote

jcfamilies on instagram often hosts or reposts mom-focused meetups around the city


a_bigsalad t1_irjhmtl wrote

These are good suggestions as well as just talking to other parents at a local park. Hamilton and Van Vorst are always busy on weekends


distantforest t1_irki3c2 wrote

We’re in the same reddit bumper group, 👋🏻 I’ll DM you :)


extraORD1NARYmachine t1_irmup7x wrote

As others have said, lots of moms groups on Facebook. I never used Facebook before having a kid but then I created a throwaway account just to stay updated on kids things. Totally worth it.


BooBooBull t1_irmvfns wrote

Goto Maman at exchange place. Tuesday 1030AM.