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FloatingWeight t1_irx41nd wrote

You humiliate your self with your dumb comments, the votes are just a reflection of that


Ilanaspax t1_irx75tt wrote

Oh wow I had no idea. Thanks for taking the time to explain that to me - Reddit can be so confusing. Good luck friend 🙏


Informal_Bat_722 t1_irxofxj wrote

you are the target market for people who insult others by saying "cope"


Ilanaspax t1_irxry6t wrote

You’re obsessed with me this much huh?


Informal_Bat_722 t1_is0o85g wrote


Ilanaspax t1_is0sppz wrote

You’re pretty mouthy for someone who uses Reddit to make horny posts begging for someone to fuck them. Someone needs attention I guess ❤️


Informal_Bat_722 t1_is0uf1j wrote

Awwwwww, looks like I hit a nerve. Thankfully me wanting casual sex isn't an indication of mental illness, but your erratic response further corroborates how desperately you need to be treated