Submitted by Basilone1917 t3_yfbeoq in jerseycity
jerseycityfrankie t1_iu3176z wrote
WookWook99 t1_iu33oin wrote
So many bike lanes! Yay! Yet I never see more than two bikers on any given rush hour trip that I have to drive morning and evening. I see lots of traffic though. And no, I’m not going to bike to my elderly parents in the suburbs, so yes, I need my car. I’d 💯 be behind this if I actually saw bikers like in Amsterdam. But we are the complete opposite. Instead of making bike lanes, let’s get behind a way for the commuters from out of town clogging our streets for a fast track to the Holland tunnel, to not be able to access local roads. Close the turnpike extension exits to local roads. Enforce the left turn only lane off 139. Create a similar left and right turn only from the turnpike for local residents. I know, pipe dreams, can’t happen. But I for sure can’t deal with this shitty “quality of life” bullshit that Fulop dishes out. And if you live in the taint, and I’m driving through, and you’re in the dark cavern, I might hit you. Coles through there was a highway for locals to avoid the tunnel traffic. Me and the Moishe’s trucks, we’ll be tailgating you, bc the speed limit isn’t 19. It’s 25. And we know that means 35.
SadMasterpiece7019 t1_iu3wz36 wrote
Shut up you fucking nerd
LootFroop t1_iu3z121 wrote
I got a headache trying to read all of that.
WookWook99 t1_iu3zlzq wrote
Let me summarize for the slow folks like you. We don’t live in Amsterdam. I wish we did, but we don’t. Fuck off with the bike lanes that 4 people a day use. Downvote all you want bc who actually gives a fuck, oh right. The Reddit nerds.
a_trane13 t1_iu40wuj wrote
You fantasize about running over bikers because you want to go 35 in a 25, and can’t stand going 19 instead?
Totally mentally stable
jerseycityfrankie t1_iu44lrr wrote
“I might hit you”. Really? What a total piece of shit you are.
WookWook99 t1_iu468wx wrote
Since you’re too stupid to understand sarcasm maybe I will actually just hit you. Have a great day!
flyingcrayons t1_iu4ee1v wrote
Just rode it on my way to get a bagel. Best thing to see this Friday morning
jerseycityfrankie t1_iu4erx1 wrote
Wowzers you’re garbage.
Basilone1917 OP t1_iu4ica4 wrote
I'll check them out later but it appears they're not finished yet. Hopefully they get the same treatment as the pbl on 18th Street.
jtactile t1_iu4n0q3 wrote
you could always take that regular trip out to the suburbs and stay the fuck there
FloatingWeight t1_iu51cpl wrote
You’re the one ranting online nerd 💀
FloatingWeight t1_iu5aq85 wrote
Per sub tweet it will be protevted
halocene_epic t1_iu5ih5p wrote
Recently they also added a ramp in the curb on Coles St to access the bike path on the west side of Hoboken that goes to the 2nd St. Light Rail Station. Two ways to now access Hoboken.
neighbor_ryan t1_iu5o6k9 wrote
yep, this one will be protected, soon!
jcdudeman t1_iu5v2ji wrote
Amsterdam was not Amsterdam either until the people of Amsterdam made a conscious choice to become Amsterdam.
sometimesiwatchtv44 t1_iu5v30x wrote
So is that a one way street (going north) now?
Basilone1917 OP t1_iu5vhp3 wrote
Nope, still a two-way. The northbound lane has always been pretty wide.
DirectorBeneficial48 t1_iu5xsbs wrote
Thank goodness, that road was a very tight fit on bikes.
TrafficSNAFU t1_iu6bevd wrote
Was watching them restripe the road the other day when I was on the train to Hoboken.
JCwhatimsayin t1_iuftdya wrote
I mean, how do you think Amsterdam got that way?
TrafficSNAFU t1_iuiqnf6 wrote
Looks like the bike lane received its green paint today.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iu2tacp wrote