twanzetters t1_ixijc0l wrote
Cool story
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iximl52 wrote
I bet you find less corruption there, but much worse public transportation
BlueBeagle8 t1_ixisef1 wrote
whybother5000 t1_ixj69op wrote
Great beer nature skiing and sunshine out there. Look out for the gun thing though.
slickmartini t1_ixj8jxu wrote
Best of luck! Have a blast at Red Rocks.
Beatbud t1_ixjkw3e wrote
Give me bike lanes or give me death
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_ixjlfu4 wrote
You will find those!
crystalek412 t1_ixjmnwe wrote
In the case of Jersey city, you can have both!
Psychological-Ad8175 t1_ixjot5y wrote
Denver is fun man enjoy! Great street art scene on the rise but the air is not as clean as you think and there are mad homeless for sure. Have snow tires!!
mouse6502 t1_ixjpmd4 wrote
Forever going to kick myself for not going to the south park concert
flippenstance t1_ixl3t6q wrote
jasonleeobrien t1_ixl74xt wrote
Good luck bud!
KenseiSport t1_ixm0574 wrote
Bro came through drove the rents up and dipped lol
aggressivetumor t1_ixm4yn7 wrote
Ugh lucky you get to escape purgatory
PsychologicalAd1153 t1_ixt4dyw wrote
When you come visit in 8 years, the Whole Foods will STILL not be finished.
ambirch t1_iy0xdv7 wrote
Yeah, that’s true
dinoboy75 t1_ixig896 wrote