obeseskydiver1 t1_iuojnzr wrote
I'm sorry to the people down-voting this person, but they are correct!
You are not the police! So unless you are armed yourself, or have some martial art/boxing experience you should not get involved. If you see someone getting rowdy/crazy at a place, walk away and call the authorities!
You do not what mental issues that person has, you do not know if that person is armed, if that person has fighting experience. You trying to "help" can cost you your life and the original persons' life.
bodhipooh t1_iuonup1 wrote
Or, tell me you are a piece of shit human without telling me you are a piece of shit human.
By your logic, if I see a woman getting raped, I should just "let it alone" because "it don't concern" me. If I see a kid getting abused, same... just walk away.
WhiterRice t1_iuowdtw wrote
Silver lining, your community is seemingly willing to take a knife for you.
StruansNobleHouse t1_iuozkwg wrote
> You do not what mental issues that person has, you do not know if that person is armed, if that person has fighting experience. You trying to "help" can cost you your life and the original persons' life.
You're being downvoted as well, but this is true. Years ago, I was walking with my partner on Marin, near BJs. We saw a couple arguing - the guy punched her, knocked her to the ground and started stomping on her with his boots. I asked my partner to go help her. The guy took out a knife and told him to get away - then the GIRL got up and started yelling at my partner to mind his own fucking business. We quickly walked away with no harm to ourselves, but it could have easily ended badly for us.
It's easy to be a hero when you're sitting behind a screen, because you're not risking anything.
Dazzling-Research-38 t1_iup2vzd wrote
I'm Telling you NJ Laws are Special.
nerdiestnerdballer t1_iup96l5 wrote
I Hope Amy Degise's SUV plows into you.
MichaelDeMarcoCEO t1_iupaq5y wrote
life in prison
dont_shoot_jr t1_iupb7ip wrote
Nobody said it would be easy
AngryPandaBlog t1_iupfgt9 wrote
I think what redeudck is trying to say is that if you see people who are not mentally fit nor capable, and are acting in a way that demonstrates that they lack self control, you should steer clear.
People, from the news and from what I’ve seen, can easily snap because of underlying mental health issues.
Obviously if someone is getting raped or if there’s a crime occurring you need to call the police; there’s a massive difference between rape and being rude to employees.
AcerbicLeslieKnope t1_iupjlu8 wrote
Please consider not using that word, it can really be very hurtful.
As to the substance of your argument, the charging decision at the time of complaint need not be what is ultimately charged in the indictment. 2nd degree aggravated assault seems right based on the facts as reported thus far, but there’s a whole investigation that needs to happen.
[deleted] t1_iuplg0s wrote
DSM201 t1_iupnbpo wrote
This is why it’s best to just mind your business. It can save your life.
jasonleeobrien t1_iuqs76m wrote
Here’s a video:
StruansNobleHouse t1_iuqxufy wrote
I said it's easy to be a hero when you're a sitting behind a screen, being a keyboard warrior. Yes, it's hard to be a hero in person and I give kudos to those that are. Because of my experience with my partner almost getting stabbed when trying to help a woman who did not want help, I am now hesitant to put myself in physical danger for others. I would not risk making my children motherless for a stranger. If someone else wants to risk themselves, then I appreciate it - but we shouldn't be criticizing those who point out that it's dangerous to do so.
BBFshul71 t1_iur4u1n wrote
It’s likely second degree aggravated assault so he’s looking at a very serious charge. He’s facing 10 years. A grand jury could still choose to indict for a first degree crime like attempted murder if they feel it is appropriate
bodhipooh t1_iur9caw wrote
There's no need to try and explain what u/redrudck was trying to say. It was crystal clear. Here is the thing, though... the way of the coward is always safe, because cowards just walk away and actively avoid any and all risk. I can't imagine being so chicken shit as to witness an injustice (even if it doesn't rise to the level of a crime) and choosing to just turn your back and walking away.
Maybe grow a spine, and resolve, and learn that to fully participate in a just and civilized society also means being actively involved in keeping it so. That doesn't mean you have to be *personally* involved, but it does mean taking action. If you don't feel safe interjecting yourself into a situation, then find someone that does and/or contact law enforcement. Don't just walk away. That's just being a coward.
nocutenick t1_iurdxjk wrote
Whatever the case, no reason for the shit that happened. one guy sitting eating, a couple having a great time on Halloween, and now ones in jail, one is the hospital, and one is home crying for what? What the hell happened to Jersey City?? What happened to fists? what happened to giving or getting an ass whooping, and talking about it the next day? These days punks can't fight and use guns and knives to settle disputes. I have lived downtown all my life, I have seen the changes. For as much as it gets better, it just gets worse.
Lilmitten82 t1_iuuatw4 wrote
Are you ok.
redrudck t1_iuofpvi wrote
If it don't concern u let it alone