Submitted by ozzyman07 t3_yju9ux in jerseycity

There is a possibily homeless/ unstable lady who will ask you for cash and try to spit and shout at you. I generally don't break my stride so escaped that, she did try to spit at me though. People who witnessed were shocked. Please be careful.



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bodhipooh t1_iuqo8lz wrote

The only surprising part about this story is that it has taken this long for the local mentally unstable unhoused population to start getting aggressive and for it to become commonplace enough that people are posting about it. A couple of years prepandemic we did a trip all over the PNW, and were floored to see how much Seattle and Portland have decayed. The homeless situation is BAD over there, in large part fueled by drug addiction, and a lot of those people would be panhandling while high or tweaking and they were REALLY aggressive and some would spit at people and such. It really soured my prior impressions of both cities, which I had really enjoyed years before.


BeMadTV t1_iuu4sxv wrote

I'm surprised panhandlers aren't holding drivers up at gunpoint while they're stuck in traffic yet


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iupw82c wrote

Bitch spits on me Imma kick her right in the shin HARD. Bet she stops spitting on folks.


kushNation141 t1_iuqguv1 wrote

Agreed. I get spit on someones gonna lose a mouth full of teeth.


Artichoke_25 t1_iuqw75n wrote

I have a feeling that if someone is this mentality unstable the whole “cause and effect” thing will be lost on her.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iur6t09 wrote

Nah, even a fish would stop if it gets hurt when it does it. It's basic biology.