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sutisuc t1_iuygjcn wrote

Cause they get paid much less than they would in the private sector so those losses are exchanged for better benefits and a pension. If you want a pension you can get a public sector job.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_iuz5463 wrote

I don't buy this in the least. All these teachers, firemen and cops would not be investment bankers. A relative has 2 Ivy degrees, manages a couple of dozen people in private health care, doesn't make what a teacher of similar seniority would, and has nothing like the Bennies.


Crazy-Insane t1_iv4dzoq wrote

Then your relative is doing it wrong.

Sorry it had to be me to tell you, but it's true.


jcskunk t1_iuytpql wrote

There is such a thing as regulatory capture. HCDO and their cozy relationships with public sector unions is a great example.