jersey-city-park t1_ixg7ih9 wrote
> The $120 million project
JCwhatimsayin t1_ixhl94p wrote
It's got to be getting pretty close! It's a pretty remarkable landmark in the neighborhood.
mickyrow42 t1_ixhlwiu wrote
What’s funny
Maleficent-Baby-1926 OP t1_ixlk26a wrote
interesting? do you think it will bring businesses and economic activity to the area?
Maleficent-Baby-1926 OP t1_ixlk3tr wrote
do you think it will have positive effects on economic activity and businesses in the area ?
JCwhatimsayin t1_ixm04sz wrote
Seems likely. That's a lot of people coming to the neighborhood on a daily basis. They could sustain some new restaurants and bars. But I bet the size of the effect sort of depends on if the building has a cafeteria and other services built in.
BeMadTV t1_ixml0g0 wrote
Where do you and your colleagues go for lunch? I was gonna ask about coffee, but probably the Dunkin Donuts since it's cheaper than mom and pop, there's no mom and pop, and it's right across the street.
Maleficent-Baby-1926 OP t1_ixp4ug8 wrote
interesting point. i hope it leads to amenities that really support local residents and improves public safety. the area has solid infrastructure for a thriving community with transit options and retail spaces
Maleficent-Baby-1926 OP t1_ixp68d3 wrote
good question! also do you think you’s benefit from more local shops in the area ?
[deleted] t1_ixg1e0k wrote