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imaluckyduckie t1_iwwholt wrote

Do we really need to alert the masses to this?


possums101 t1_iwwj826 wrote

You would prefer poor people get arrested or a court summons? Help me out here why would you give a shit if someone is fare jumping?

Edit: oh boy looks like you luxury dickheads found me!


halsuissda t1_iwwkp6l wrote

They were doing that at 9 am on Wednesday as well.


Jckev t1_iwwpiq1 wrote

The exchange place PATH elevator entrance just has people walk straight through the accessible wheelchair entrance. Honestly it just doesn't feel right. Pay the fare.


JS_NYC_208 t1_iwws3us wrote

Mall cops are finally doing something!


postbox134 t1_iwwszfj wrote

They were at Grove st yesterday AM


Hazel2468 t1_iwwvxc8 wrote

Nah I’m with you on this. Cops stand around all day where I am. Don’t give a shit about everyone nearly getting run over by fucking bikes who can’t decide if they’re pedestrians or vehicles. Can’t enforce that. Can barely give a shit when you call them for actual help.

But harassing people who fare jump? Oh top priority.


munsuro t1_iwwxypc wrote

A lotta boot licking going on in these comments. I guarantee that the problems that PATH (and MTA) has wouldn't be resolved if every single person paid their fare. If you saw someone evading their fare, no you didn't.


FloatingWeight t1_iwx3wcl wrote

The victim in those situations (aside from CVS and PA) would be the customers and tax payers who subsidize theft with higher costs. Not to mention have you been to a store where everything is locked up ? Shit is ass,

Do you really think CVS is eating the cost ? Or they just pass than on to customers, same with PA and tax payers


Toonaami t1_iwx9trh wrote

Doing the lords work thank you.


GioDesa t1_iwxa29j wrote

Have you not heard of all these drug stores closing down due to massive shoplifting? Its happening all over NYC and its becoming a problem in some areas because people no longer have access to a drug store close by.

Also, next time you need anything that costs more than $8 and you have to spend 5 minutes wandering around looking for a store manager to unlock it from the can thank shoplifters. Drug stores also raise prices to offset some of their shoplifting losses. Its not victimless. It impacts the rest of society negatively.


boojieboy666 t1_iwxo5zc wrote

You’re doing Gods work, mate.

Pass off your used tickets to people walking to the train. I always do.

Wouldn’t mind paying if the light rail had better service and was clean, but it’s not.


Hazel2468 t1_iwxso26 wrote

I know it’s an unpopular opinion on this sub for some reason but idgaf. acab bud. I’ve had clients who either had to choose between fare-hopping or their fucking medication because they were down to the cent and homeless. Prosecuting fare hoppers is a waste of time and an excuse to harass people.


MelGz03 t1_iwxuutw wrote

Just pay attention before you hop. These cops are usually easy to spot. Jsq in the afternoons baseball caps and in groups literally standing around doing nothing, but fishing.


DontBeEvil1 t1_iwy0fzq wrote

Get a job and pay for things you have to pay for, like the rest of us mere mortals are expected to do.


RemyDWD t1_iwz0y9u wrote

> Have you not heard of all these drug stores closing down due to massive shoplifting? Its happening all over NYC and its becoming a problem in some areas because people no longer have access to a drug store close by.

About that…

> In fact, the two reported Manhattan Rite Aid closures appear to be part of a nationwide downsizing. In December, Rite Aid said it would be closing 63 stores “to reduce costs, drive improved profitability, and ensure that we have a healthy foundation to grow from, with the right stores in the right locations, for the communities we serve and for our business.” Shoplifting was not a listed rationale. Asked about the Manhattan store closures — and whether shoplifting played any role — a Rite Aid spokesperson says only that that the decisions “are based on a variety of factors that retail businesses consider such as overarching business strategy, lease and rent considerations, local business conditions and viability, and store performance.” Again, no mention of shoplifting.


PICHICONCACA t1_iwz1d8i wrote

The pigs are out in the town.


GioDesa t1_iwz1r9z wrote

Heres a Rite Aid article to the contrary.

Rite Aid CEO Heyward Donigan told analysts the company “experienced unexpected headwinds this quarter from front-end shrink, particularly in our New York urban stores.”

Donigan noted the company has begun “shrinking our footprint” in New York City as it proceeds with a plan to close dozens of less-profitable stores.

The company said a $5 million year-over-year increase in “shrink” – a term in the retail industry meaning losses related to theft, fraud or administrative errors – had cut into its profits*. Rite Aid’s chief retail officer Andre Persaud expanded on the point – stating* NYC-area losses from shoplifting had worsened despite the company’s efforts to improve “product protection.”


mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_iwz3i9c wrote

These posts are allowed, it’s not illegal to advise people that cops are setting traps. That’s why Wyze can tell you when there is a cop checking for speeding, and radar detectors etc are allowed.


rakesh111989 t1_iwz96ig wrote

Is there exemption for path fare for kids ? What is the age limit?


moobycow t1_iwzb3h4 wrote

It is eye opening when you see what fare evasion vs fare enforcement costs the MTA.

I would much rather the enforcement money be used for stuff that more directly impacts quality of life when riding (disruptive passengers, cleaning stations, etc.)


caroline_elly t1_iwzd8s5 wrote

>If you saw someone evading their fare, no you didn't.

Do you even take the path lol. At WTC, I literally see handfuls of people walking through the handicapped turnstile everyday.


Simple-Television-27 t1_iwzk2t3 wrote

Yeah, I would prefer a court summons. You can afford Air Max 95s, you can afford the subsidized fare. Nothing luxury about me. Just believe we live in a society and if you lived anywhere else in country, you’d need a car to get from point A to B. Don’t be a parasite and pay your fair share.


Paid-Not-Payed-Bot t1_iwzpdni wrote

> if everyone paid they'd be


Although payed exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in:

  • Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. The deck is yet to be payed.

  • Payed out when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. The rope is payed out! You can pull now.

Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment.

Beep, boop, I'm a bot


RosaKlebb t1_iwzt1dm wrote

I just find it comical for some people from a recent flashpan moment they were allegedly in arms over policing, "stay out of people's business", "don't talk to cops, know your rights", "boost and support people", mutual aid, all sorts of supportive language etc to I actually like pineapple on my slice of boot.

I'm with you, there's infinitely bigger fish to fry and any complaint of theoretical dollars lost on people fare hopping will always be small peanuts to endless amounts of money pissed with things like local beat cops crying how they need to play army man, military hardware and all, and the salaries for people playing with their phone and taking a nap in their squad car around Van Vorst Park.


brandy716 t1_ix0c5qk wrote

What people don’t understand about fare hopping is as long as the Trasit system is not profitable they will find a way to get it from your taxes, tolls, not providing additional services and likely more services will be cut.

There are very few people that are too poor to pay for services as there are programs to help with that.

Like in NYC they have a fare fare card and each ride is about $1.35 for low income people.

The majority of the fare beaters are the ones committing the crimes, tossing the trash all over and causing delays but keep on defending them. This is why things will never get better because there will always be an excuse for bad behavior.


lynch_95_ t1_ix0oys2 wrote

People complaining about fare enforcement but what exactly do you think the PA pays PAPD all this money for them to do?


lynch_95_ t1_ix0pa6z wrote

Poor people? If I could count the amount of time I see people with beats head phones, designer clothes and $7 Starbucks drinks jumping. If that’s being poor, I wish I was also.


Morkitu t1_ix2dwbx wrote

Interesting "hot takes" from folks on here. For me, it's more about a person's character. The kind of person that would intentionally evade a fare, is likely also the kind of person that could or would cause problems on the trains. A person that would likely smoke, play loud music, steal from, harass, or assault someone, or some other form of mischief.

When I see people intentionally hop the turnstile, I make sure to avoid the car they are riding on, because more than likely it will be a (censored) show for the rest of the ride. gif


M00tWisd0m t1_ixhbxtw wrote

I was in Montreal recently and I went to use their public subway, I bought the card that I thought best suited my needs for 20 bucks. After which a local told me that it's free on the weekends. Could've just walked right on. I made a joke that I'm an American and am so used to being abused financial by my government that I just walk around holding out a 20 dollar bill and apologizing. It's crazy that we pay such high taxes and then RE- pay for "public" transportation, tolls etc. Not to mention all the other shit we double and triple pay for.


PICHICONCACA t1_ixi5hb9 wrote

They complain about their rents and other problems and don’t realize that it all comes down to businesses buying politicians who make laws that protect billionaires and corporations. The problem isn’t with poor people.