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DontBeEvil1 OP t1_ivetwpm wrote

So I take it, you're not voting? Since none of them are putting the kids 1st? Or are you saying that, you're not putting the kids 1st and are voting for the team that not only will not put the kids 1st, but who you THINK will put your taxes 1st?

The only asshole move is being purely concerned about your or other people's tax bill, claiming lack of transparency, yet somehow knowing exact percentages of how much money is allocated to salaries...and in your own words, "you don't know their situation." And then being so tone deaf that you call someone else an asshole for not being as selfish and self serving as you. Your entire argument is dumb. Guess what, I've paid more taxes than I would have liked for my entire life, yet have driven over potholes, bridges that are falling apart and don't have access to Medicaid or Medicare...but you don't know my situation boo hoo hoo right? Your own Governor states if you don't want to pay high taxes, New Jersey is not the state for you. Why haven't you gotten the message by now? Move.
