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TrafficSNAFU t1_ivi3d4m wrote

The problem with this video I have is that it ignores certain realities about the limitations of railroads as mode of transportation. That is not to say that the issues he brings up are not accurate, its just that it doesn't account for changing realities in the logistics sphere since the 1960s. Changes in industrial/production philosophies, containerization, rise of the interstate highway system, the brokenness of the e-commerce model, etc. These realities exist whether you nationalize or the major railroads completely change their mindset overnight. There needs to be a broad change in US Transportation policy, where the costs of the damages put on our road network by trucks are adequately accounted for. To nationalize without addressing this basic issue is futile. Even if this issue is rectified there are still issues inherent to freight rail transportation you'd struggle to solve.