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TrafficSNAFU t1_ivkvup0 wrote

I'm a train nerd and I find the challenges of modern railroading enthralling, if not frustrating. This quote from an article on Freightwaves sums of the situation quite well. "The basic attractiveness of carload freight is its equivalent load factor, tonnage carrying capacity, and cheaper cost per ton-mile relative to truck. A modern 60- to 70-ton boxcar, to cite one example, offers the carrying capacity of three to four truckloads. The volume advantage allows a railroad company to charge the shipper considerably less than what a shipper is charged by a truck service on a per ton-mile price quote. A rail movement might cost in the 4.5 cents per ton-mile price range versus a truck price in the 9 cents or higher range. The trade-off to the shipper, however, can often be a higher inventory carrying cost because carloads arrives a day early or a day late as much as 40% of the time. That poor carload performance makes it difficult for logisticians to schedule."


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_ivkxwjg wrote

Haha, yes I figured out you were a train nerd! Nerds unite! What never gets enough due is the fuel efficiency of rail, what I've read at 25% that of trucking. That it's only half the cost says we don't tax fuel enough.


TrafficSNAFU t1_ivkzo5j wrote

Or just better accounting for how much wear and tear trucks put on our roads and bridges.