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flapjack212 t1_iw4pkj2 wrote

i know it sucks but the mechanical failure could happen anywhere right...

ridership seems strong enough to not require the combined lines i never quite understood it


akowz OP t1_iw4qh7d wrote

I dont necessarily disagree. Shit happens. But figure it out before we sat 10 minutes in an allegedly broken train that worked well enough to get us to hoboken (where the path notoriously sits egregiously long for no reason).

This state collects $51 billion in tax revenue ( And has public infrastructure that competes with second world countries. It is beyond unacceptable.


vocabularylessons t1_iw4t2d1 wrote

>state collects $51 billion in tax revenue

PATH doesn't see a nickel of that. The Port Authority doesn't receive any taxpayer funds from either NY or NJ, it's a self-financing entity and funds the PATH train system through its own operations (and PATH has always lost money, even before the pandemic). PATH should run better and there's likely reasons aside from money why PATH operations stink, but money is a big one.


flapjack212 t1_iw4uj9q wrote

i have to assume the hoboken stop is some kind of appeasement to the hoboken community. they themselves receive 0 inconvenience, but whereas all of jersey city (and newark etc) are inconvenienced.

if they wanted to reduce lines on weekends they could easily have run a shuttle train between hoboken and newport+exchange for example...

on the other hand the hoboken path station is positioned so poorly for them i do feel kind of bad haha


Lilmitten82 t1_iw4x7jv wrote

I really don’t understand why we have to stop at Hoboken and wait for so long. Why can’t it just be a normal quick stop like 23rd street for example.


a_trane13 t1_iw50w17 wrote

Used to have full service on the weekends. There are more riders now than then. It’s just bs.


MrLurker698 t1_iw52psk wrote

The train goes in one way and out the other. The “driver” literally walks from one end of the train to the other to operate it at Hoboken. Some people walk faster then others.


iSkyscraper t1_iw53hrb wrote

Direct service on the weekends was suspended "temporarily" for WTC reconstruction in 2006. It never came back.

Port Authority is completely unaccountable for their actions.


objectimpermanence t1_iw58hzl wrote

Hoboken has a plethora of public transit options compared to most parts of JC. They have the NJ Transit commuter trains, frequent bus service to the Port Aithority, the light rail, and PATH. No matter where you are in Hoboken, you’re rarely more than a 5-10 minute walk to one of those systems.

It’s almost too much for such a small city. Especially for a city that refuses to allow dense residential development next to the Hoboken Terminal, which has plenty of excess capacity. It’s such a wasted opportunity.

The state should take away some of Hoboken’s transit goodies as punishment for their NIMBY housing policies. (I’m half-joking)


DirectorBeneficial48 t1_iw6kiu5 wrote

For once, I had a pleasant late night ride home from MSG tonight at close to 4AM. No huge crowd at 33rd, got a seat, train didn't even fill up by Christopher like normal - shockingly smooth, despite the HOB layover.


Psychological-Ad8175 t1_iw77kls wrote

The hob stop is nothing compared to the transfer from that line to the wtc at jsq. I'm only on NJ transit now because of that transfer alone can take well over 30-40 minutes in my experience just to get to Harrison/Newark.

Rather just take the NJ transit from broad street two stops I'm in the city and vice versa. If I'm going all night then better to try to stay out till the 5 am back home.


fruit__gummy t1_iw8cccp wrote

Yes. Way off. The train spends at least five minutes sitting JUST in the Hoboken stop. In total it probably adds 10-15 minutes to the ride, which is a lot considering you probably waited 10-20 minutes for the train to come in the first place due to reduced service on weekends and late nights.


PsychologicalAd1153 t1_iw8uwcn wrote

Why can't PATH use only two trains on the weekends specifically for the HOB/ 33 line. Maybe depart each terminal every 15 mins. Would that alleviate some traffic?


Beatbud t1_iwd808u wrote

I’ve been getting off at Hoboken and grabbing a citi bike and taking them. I can ride in protected bike lanes all the way to Coles & 12th. However this is useless for those who don’t live in downtown.


helloder27 t1_iwxiy5b wrote

For this reason, I very rarely take the JSQ-33rd train on weekends, always the WTC line (if it's operating at all that is). 7 mins and then subway to wherever in NYC.