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possums101 t1_iwnpehb wrote

Look up the addresses for places you’re looking at on It shows you recent reported crimes in the area.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_iwns9uv wrote

That site is hopelessly in error, I would not trust it at all. I just looked and it had a shooting at "TEENS NEW HOPE LANE" marked at 6th and Coles instead of by Mercer Park! Not 1st time I've found map errors like this there.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iwnwsnt wrote

Safe? No, there are several alligator infestations, and there is a spot that's heavily landmined.


Laraujo31 t1_iwpztx3 wrote

Its not terrible but its not good either. If you are on the right side of JFK (going towards Bayonne) its not bad. The closer you get to old bergen road, the more sketchy it gets. If you are close to JFK then you should be ok.