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OpenSpoon2311 OP t1_iwqoxr4 wrote

I know these jokes are in humor, but they're just unnecessary when someone experienced a traumatic event. I hope you understand <3


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iwqtrpk wrote

It's not a joke, it's dead serious. The city is literally run by someone who mows down bicyclists and then illegally leaves the scene. This is no laughing matter.


fasulo_ t1_iwqrg35 wrote

Yes it’s a joke, but it’s also to keep the fact that a council person who committed a felony hit and run has still not been served equal justice under the law. I didn’t mean to offend you and I am sorry that you’ve been hurt. It also upsets me that someone who does this doesn’t face any repercussions.

When justice is served equally, and people in power can’t get away with this kind of vehicular negligence, all of our streets will be safer. Perhaps if there was a culture of accountability, you would never have had to post this photo.


marrypep t1_iwr81v2 wrote

Why is it always the cars fault?


IggySorcha t1_iwrdh06 wrote

She was never in trouble for the hit part it is the and run following.


joejoeaz t1_iwqy2l3 wrote

Did whoever hit you at least stick around?


a_trane13 t1_iws5a5u wrote

If you don’t want jokes, you shouldn’t post on Reddit for anonymous strangers, my man

“I also chose this guys dead wife” is one of the most beloved comments on this site ever, and was on an otherwise totally serious post