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JPwnr OP t1_izc0iph wrote

Going to go home and eat some vegetables.


LootFroop t1_izc1g5t wrote

Give credit where credits due op. 😎


MelGz03 t1_izc2qmt wrote

No bev 😮‍💨


Sybertron t1_izc4bxo wrote

Thats what ya sneak into the AMC there (btw underrated AMC with every theater having recliners)


deaddabrain t1_izc7os3 wrote

Fun fact back in the day if you asked them to make you a ham and cheese sandwich they would


brittadict_arnold t1_izc9koj wrote

you brought this on yourself but i respect the commitment


jonedoebro t1_izcmd7r wrote

This is hilarious. Thank you


Alukrad t1_izcoox0 wrote

I don't understand this post.


17657Fuck t1_izcyoi0 wrote

Lmao great job OP. Please write your username and the date on the bag and repost it just so we can be sure this BK trip is on the up and up


cC2Panda t1_izdqmo5 wrote

Maybe I'm just unlucky but the it seems like any big movie that plays there will have the way more intolerable people at Newport compared to most theaters. Teens texting the whole fucking time a couple rows ahead of you, people talking through the movie, some mouth breather with food that just learned to eat(with their mouth open) right next to you, some dude in the back whose phone rings multiple times, etc.


Salt_the_snail_Gail t1_izf444h wrote

And to think you were only a few votes away from being able to eat at Wurstbar. Oh boy.


hot_damnn t1_izfen9j wrote

You crazy SOB, you did it. Respect.