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viniciusah t1_izg034j wrote

> Won’t Those phones will get locked by Apple?

Probably. Thieves will try to sell them in Craigslist or FB Marketplace regardless; and ask for payment methods without buyer protection (Venmo, Zelle, for example) at very low prices to attract people who cannot buy one othewise.

When buyer receives (if they receive) the phone, they'll realize they don't work, and they can't get their money back.

PSA: beware of cheap iPhones in those sites in the next weeks. Especially without invoices, accessories, listed as open-box and at very low prices. Preferably use a payment method with buyer protection (Paypal Goods and Services is one, PayPal Friends & Family isn't). Ask for proof the device works. Ask for an invoice or proof of purchase.

If the above is not possible, assess the risk and make your decision accordingly


shortyman920 t1_izg0pd0 wrote

Good point lol


viniciusah t1_izg2nye wrote

Initially, I thought a bunch of rules in buy/sell subreddits were annoying. Only after I started using them more I realized how important timestamps and the points I wrote are.

They saved me a lot of headache.

At a minimum, they show good faith by the seller.


Vegetable_River t1_izgj2o9 wrote

I'm sure people will snatch them up while looking for bargains around Xmas. Good advice here.