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fulanita_de_tal t1_j02sqqo wrote

If you can’t afford to tip 18-20% on a bill, then you should reevaluate the places you can afford to eat/drink at. That is a standard tip amount.


Ilanaspax t1_j07jjum wrote

Raise your hand if you’re not surprised this sub is full of bad tippers 👋


Positive_Debate7048 t1_j02tp8s wrote

16 percent is a reasonable tip for standard service.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j03h4qv wrote

Don't let them fool you, 15% is a reasonable tip. It's not great or even good, but you're absolutely not stiffing them.


Ilanaspax t1_j07jqrz wrote

damn dude maybe you should consider riding the lightrail for free if you’re this hard up for cash


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j07jx5k wrote

Hello troll. I know you support thieves and criminals, and you're still a piece of crap human being.


fulanita_de_tal t1_j03b8wy wrote

It’s not. I was being generous when I said 18-20. The standard really is 20.

Let’s put it this way. If your idea of a reasonable tip amount starts a debate, that’s a pretty surefire way to know it’s not a good tip and you’re being cheap.


Positive_Debate7048 t1_j03dkfw wrote

For years 16-18 percent has always been a reasonable tip. Not sure when this changed.


HElGHTS t1_j032b3i wrote

The thing is, what we think of as "standard" service is actually super amazing service, compared to some places that don't have much of a tipping culture. For example in some areas you're not going to get any automatic check-ins, all you ever get is a response to flagging someone down.

So even when you think "standard" in the sense that nothing went wrong, it's actually wonderful that you didn't have to flag someone down, and therefore at least 18%. More like 20% if something made you think "that was nice." And this is coming from someone who has no problem dipping to 16% when mistakes are made (where primary responsibility is with the server) that aren't neutralized somehow.
