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Jahooodie t1_j15ky4i wrote

They were always there, it's just the pandemic upped the ante as to what they have to do to stay in the Insane category. I've never had someone behind me floor it into the oncoming lane to cut inside of me, so they could make a lefthand turn before I could, until 2021. It's now happened over a dozen times and impacted how I go through several intersections in town.

But they could also do a bit better job from where the picture is in defining the tracks VS road, as the pic shows the materials are all mixed about & this happens to confused folks a bit too much.


bodhipooh t1_j15w5rq wrote

Dude! This is happening A LOT. I just watched a guy do this to cut ahead of two cars at a super busy intersection. And, then saw it again an hour later again, but this time the maniac full on went on the opposite lane, sped up and skipped ahead of ~6 other cars, got to the intersection and cut off the guy waiting to turn.


Knobbies4Ever t1_j16bdin wrote

Was this up by Bergen Square a couple days ago? (your second instance.) I was approaching the intersection on my bike... heard the engine revving and hopped onto the sidewalk to get the hell out of there.

Motherfucker went 100% blind, at speed through the intersection from Academy onto Van Reypen... a pedestrian in that intersection would have been dead / maimed. Scary as hell.


Aggravating_Sand352 t1_j19dlcp wrote

Saw a hoboken cop do this the other day. I was walking thought he had a place he needed to be be but proceeded to be stuck in traffic next to me as I walked for the next mile


garth_meringue t1_j169rp5 wrote

I've been seeing that too. I guess once you get away with it you start to make a habit of it.

To be fair (not that these aggressive drivers deserve it), it's hard to tell when a car is stopped ahead of you if it's for a good reason and you should be patient, or if it's someone who just decided they can come to a stop in traffic for the hell of it. I try to assess the situation first at least, rather than just immediately blast around.