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icurlupanddry t1_j2zv7jf wrote

I wouldn’t recommend Journal Square at all. Is a roommate situation in a nicer neighborhood an option?


TouchPorcelain OP t1_j2zvp8a wrote

I wouldn't mind finding a roommate, have to find one to get along with of course but I myself am open to it. But then, there's the do I do that? First time renting outside of a college dorm room so not quite sure how to find a good roomie, hahaha.


rudeprimadonna t1_j31gbgk wrote

I have experience with this—I’m a single female who moved to JC last year with a random roommate I met on the SpareRoom app. I used that, as well as joining Facebook JC roommate groups and posted who/what I was looking for. You’ll definitely be saving a lot of money by going this route, which is a necessity I feel for living in JC on your salary. I also recommend the Heights, particularly near Palisade Ave as you could be a short walk away from the light rail/other bus stops if you like to explore.


TouchPorcelain OP t1_j31htsu wrote

I am looking on that app as well! There are a few downtown that sound nice with nice sounding roommates but still pretty nervous. I'll have to look at the Heights too!

Was your experience with the roommates you met on there good?


rudeprimadonna t1_j31jwt7 wrote

Oo downtown is so nice!

I had a good experience on SpareRoom. The people I met/talked to were really nice and responsible (as some already had places of their own.) Ultimately a working roommate relationship all depends on communication and respect. As long as you’re being upfront on what you want in a roommate/who you are as a roommate, you should be good.