Submitted by nixcholas99 t3_10p3f2e in jerseycity

Hi I’ve been thinking about renting in the area and wanted some tips on what’s the best place to look for an apartment. This is a first time things for me so I really don’t know what’s the best outlet to look.



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burrito__supreme t1_j6i4ggc wrote

we need more info from you to make this a productive discussion.

what’s your budget? are you willing to have roommates? do you need to be able to easily commute into the city (nyc)? do you want to live in a new building or are you ok with older buildings? do you want to be super close to nightlife, bars/restaurants or would you prefer a quieter area?

edited to add do you want ~luxury~ amenities like doorman, gym/pool on site, etc or are you ok without that stuff?


Jahooodie t1_j6i63cp wrote

Hard to say, what are your feelings about hot jazz?


Direct_Ad18 t1_j6i7flx wrote

Need to know your parameters. Budget? Age? How many bedrooms? Car? Is easy access to the city important?


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j6isfgf wrote

I guess my reading comprehension is better than the previous commenters, and you're asking about literally where to find the listings rather than which neighborhood to look at!

The easiest is to go to Zillow, which is the same company as HotPads and Trulia, and shares all their listings together. I would be surprised if there's anyone that lists on Facebook or that doesn't also list on Zillow.


Jctexan t1_j6j3xo9 wrote

I'm a realtor if you have specific questions about how the process works (or sometimes can or should work). There are many ways to find an apartment - including Zillow if you have time to research, call around, etc. Don't give anyone any money until you have verified that they actually own the apartment, or have the legal right to rent it. Lots of scams out there.