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ItemCareful1077 OP t1_j43zs0g wrote

Thank you so much!! In terms of safety- what are the best neighborhoods to be in?


dallaskd t1_j440803 wrote

Anywhere east of the 78 loop (so downtown JC) is quite safe. The Heights is pretty safe for the most part. Journal Square statisically isn't too bad but it still gives me a rundown/dodgy feel. Bergen-Lafeyette is gentrifying rn so its block by block.

I would recommend downtown JC just due to accessebility to what you're looking for + safety + access to NYC.


ItemCareful1077 OP t1_j4424e1 wrote

Thank you definitely gonna look downtown then, really appreciate your input!


fulanita_de_tal t1_j44mst8 wrote

Yes, 100% Downtown JC is what you’re looking at (Jersey City is really big and the neighborhoods are all quite different). Downtown is the most expensive, but the most urban/NYC-like and fits your budget for a luxury 1br.