Submitted by derformative t3_10cutbn in jerseycity

I'm bad at guitar, I mean like, way too embarrassingly bad to play or practice at an open mic night and meet people that way, and I'm wondering where are you, my fellow out of tune friends; are you in Jersey City and if so, where can I find you? I'd like to make friends in the area who love music, are interested in making music, and would be bold enough to maybe meet up and shyly fiddle with our dusty instruments from time to time as a way of practicing in front of another human being. Is anyone down for something like that? I know "bad" is subjective, so I guess I'm really talking to the self conscious punk hearted wannabe rocker kids out there in JC, if there are any.

I'm originally from South Jersey and don't know JC all that intimately, but been living here for a year. I'm 27, if that matters.



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jwd64 t1_j4isc3o wrote

Pet shop in downtown is a solid place to meet musicians / music lovers. Think Monday nights are “industry night”. They host shows often enough too.


AlienVisionary t1_j4l0wgj wrote

I suck at all instruments! I always wanted to learn either piano or drums....either way I respect that you reached out to people. Oh yeah.... I was taught recorder (that cheap flute-ish instrument) in elementary school, but I don't like how that sounds at all .... and doubt anyone wants to hear that XD wishing you good luck and let me know if you need someone to bang on pots and pans maybe we can make a horrible album together <3


TurtleMurderer t1_j4ma96e wrote

I’m learning the guitar too! I suck atm but practicing with other people might be a good idea once I learn a bit more.