Recent comments in /f/jerseycity
PsychologicalAd1153 t1_jecjyxj wrote
I carry eggs with me, so if cars do almost hit me, i throw it at them so they'll be left with a long-lasting stain on their cars.
Grade A Jumbo eggs, for those that are curious what kind of eggs.
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_jecjn41 wrote
Reply to comment by SweetheartAtHeart in Fun things to do with my 20 month old by oldnewspaperguy2
It’s every month, first full weekend of the month. Many museums are included, free admission for the card holder. All over the country. So many in nyc and jersey
Your kids don’t get in free if they don’t have a bank card. But still two adults free is great, and like I said I got my kids bank cards by adding them on an account and they get in free now.
Potential savings of hundreds of dollars if you utilize it monthly.
Free LSC is great
scramjam925 t1_jecj4wl wrote
Reply to comment by HappyArtichoke7729 in Almost got ran over walking at pedestrian light by Ract0r4561
Police don’t answer the phone though.
scramjam925 t1_jecj2mb wrote
At this point I just get to the crosswalk and wait till a car waves that I can go
SweetheartAtHeart t1_jecj1gp wrote
Reply to comment by mooseLimbsCatLicks in Fun things to do with my 20 month old by oldnewspaperguy2
Woah, did not know, thanks. Is it a one time thing or age limited?
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_jeciyu5 wrote
Reply to comment by SweetheartAtHeart in Fun things to do with my 20 month old by oldnewspaperguy2
Bank of America card
SweetheartAtHeart t1_jecixas wrote
Reply to comment by mooseLimbsCatLicks in Fun things to do with my 20 month old by oldnewspaperguy2
Sorry, it’s free with what?
Octawussy t1_jechimc wrote
I’m way more cautious now that I’m walking with my newborn son but holy shit these drivers are reckless. I’d love to see aggressive speed bumps at every common pedestrian intersection but I’m not the mayor yet
Smadden1194 t1_jech9du wrote
Reply to Devils Bars? by nervousopposum
Luckys, Healy’s, Ed n Mary’s, Ohara’s, Keyhole
Mandy0621 t1_jecfon1 wrote
Cars are always running the light at Marin and Morgan Street. I wait a few seconds before crossing because it happens every time without fail.
JohnPaulSatire t1_jecea9w wrote
Reply to comment by whalebonerz in Tesla drivers, where do you download updates? (Looking for public wifi) by wutangoo
There’s your problem.
LootFroop t1_jecdjt9 wrote
mherring23 t1_jeccoqr wrote
I live in VYV and this just happened to me lol
Shab26 t1_jecc2ue wrote
Nothing worst than seeing a pedestrian cross the road while glued to the phone without ever looking
lastinglovehandles OP t1_jecc2hi wrote
Reply to comment by No-Practice-8038 in I See People Around Downtown Walking around with Their Reusable Shop-Rite Shopping Baskets. Where Can I get One of These? by lastinglovehandles
99 Dream got baskets tho 🤔
lastinglovehandles OP t1_jecc03s wrote
Reply to comment by bodhipooh in I See People Around Downtown Walking around with Their Reusable Shop-Rite Shopping Baskets. Where Can I get One of These? by lastinglovehandles
I just went. They’re out. Can’t really be pushing them big carts around Grove you know.
Zulumus t1_jecbz37 wrote
Reply to comment by lonewolfandpub in Lawsuit: Flo Rida’s 6-year-old son in ICU, suffered serious injuries after falling from Jersey City apartment window by bottomless-mimosa
Yup, if I recall the default is to have window guards in before a tenant even arrives, and then you have to sign a waiver to have them removed if you don’t have any children.
wutangoo OP t1_jecbem7 wrote
Reply to comment by whalebonerz in Tesla drivers, where do you download updates? (Looking for public wifi) by wutangoo
Only “critical updates” are available over the cars default connection. If it’s not critical, the update stays pending until you connect to wifi or it gets baked in to the next critical update. Weird system.
ihatetictoc t1_jecb78x wrote
Reply to Casual hit and run by driftingwood2018
Someone is gonna be pissed when they go to move their car for the street cleaner.. 👀
MarieSkiis t1_jecb5cg wrote
Reply to I See People Around Downtown Walking around with Their Reusable Shop-Rite Shopping Baskets. Where Can I get One of These? by lastinglovehandles
This is why we can’t have NICE THINGS
whybother5000 t1_jeca4bx wrote
Zep Hall if weathers nice
whalebonerz t1_jec87t6 wrote
How is it not starlink enabled? Seems like a no-brainer on Musk's part.
reddit-account-user t1_jec7tsy wrote
idkinfo t1_jec7ku8 wrote
Reply to comment by Index_Positive in Does your apartment charge you a monthly "trash removal" fee? by Index_Positive
That’s fucked up.
scramjam925 t1_jeck6q2 wrote
Reply to Can I build your site for free? by [deleted]
Interested! Can I see your samples