Recent comments in /f/jerseycity

FreedomComesWithRisk t1_jed26jr wrote

Never trust any care no matter where you are. People are to trusting and assume everyone is paying attention while driving. Humans are operating 2000 -5000 lbs vehicles that can kill or seriously injure a person, but people will senselessly cross the street without looking because they believe or have hope the driver will stop 😂🤣😂 what kind of entitled world do you live in? I look both ways before crossing and will look again while crossing to make sure the person has intentions of stopping or slowing down.

I've worked as a first responder for over a decade, and I've seen plenty of people who've been struct my moving vehicles because they thought the person was paying attention. It's happened so much that it's become comical. The pedestrian must be just as accountable as the driver when crossing intersections. it's not a one-way street. The worst place I see this is Hoboken 😂 people walk out blindly with no regard for their safety 😂🤣😂! It's the funniest thing to see them startled and upset when cars don't stop for them😂🤣😂! Anyway, pay attention, and you won't get hit by a car that doesn't see you. Trust yourself, not the person driving if you want to live.


JodyMcAllister t1_jed0q25 wrote

Somebody complained about the Garden Greens awning because it had pictures of pot leaves. It's actually not against any law though, signage can have pictures of the plant, but apparently no words like weed, marijuana, etc. I'm not sure if they plan to repaint it with the pot leaves, or something else which no one should complain about.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_jecvxgq wrote

If you have a car then Staten Island Children's Museum or the Staten Island Zoo. Both small scale perfect for a toddler, unlike LSC where 90% is way over her head. The zoo exhibits range from petting zoo to a world class reptile collection. Most people here don't realise how close Staten Island is by car.

My daughter, thrilled to see the 3 Little Pigs at the SI zoo!


Empty_Smoke_6249 t1_jecmax3 wrote

Walked by a few hours ago and it’s still there. Someone also ran over a lamppost on the corner of Pacific and Grand. I’ve seen so much post crash debris on the ground the last few days, and watched an absolute degenerate prick nearly run over what looked like a 10ish year old child who was crossing on Jersey Ave by the hospital. Like enough is enough at this point.