Recent comments in /f/jerseycity

Laraujo31 t1_jeeik2u wrote

I believe tow companies let you pay a fee for them to drop the car. Previously it was all cash but i am sure they are using other methods to accept payment since not everyone carries cash. That specific Target has been cracking down on this lately.


STMIHA t1_jeedvfo wrote

I know it’s delayed but Hudson hall had the game on last night with sound. Granted it was rangers devils but if it’s a week day you might get luckily with one off games as well.


geekrobot t1_jeecdg0 wrote

My wife was crossing by JC Tattoo at that intersection by Newark Ave WITH OUR CHILD in a stroller and some asshole just barely stopped short of hitting them. She glared at him and he got out and threatened her, saying he'd run her over and fuck this, fuck that, blah bullshit blah. Mind you, she is literally crossing at a crosswalk at a busy intersection with lots of pedestrians and stop lights. The lady at the Tattoo shop saw the whole thing and she came out and admonished the guy, and then he started threatening her. Total fucking psycho asshole.

I myself have almost been run over several times, especially at Newport by the fire station on Marin and on Erie by 10th street where traffic heads up to the tunnel. Once I was crossing and some dude literally buzzed right in front of me, like inches. Then he had the nerve to honk at me. I yelled fuck you, the guy literally stops in traffic to yell fuck you back, holding up everyone else. But he couldn't wait the 10 seconds before that for me to safely cross. I was so pissed I ran after his car shouting obscenities until he sped off into tunnel traffic.

Buncha savages in this town.


moobycow t1_jeebl1w wrote

At 20 months? Pretty much anything. Ride the light rail, take a ferry or two. Science Center is good, there are a few children's play center arounds, but the playground at Newport Green is cool, with a nice view of the city.

Go look at birds or in the wild area of Lincoln Park., or just kick a ball around with her.


Ok-Fly5664 t1_jeea18o wrote

The roads are lawless. Every yr at when the police budget is set or they announce hiring 50 new cops I wonder exactly wtf they’re doing. In 11 years living in JC, I’ve seen them pull over MAYBE 6 vehicles: I see traffic violations every day, some extremely dangerous.